Chapter 15

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Author's P.O.V

Morning came with the same bright light but who can understand the darkness with the heartbreaking pain that covered Jungkook's heart last night.   

He dragged himself to the bathroom to freshen up and then straight away went off to his office.

Everyone was present in the table for breakfast and was having a normal morning chit-chat of here and there.

"Hey Tae. I wanted to ask you a question." Shin Hye said

"Yes?" Taehyung's all attention was now on her instead of the scrambled eggs that he was stuffing in his mouth.

"Actually as you know yours and Kook's marriage is only in few weeks so I was looking for dresses and suits. I was wondering what do you prefer more so that I can surprise you with that on the wedding day!" She exclaimed excitedly while smiling ear to ear.

Shin Hye was genuinely excited and happy for both of them while Taehyung swallowed a sudden lump that was stuck in his throat from the idea of being married to that trueblood alpha who tried to take advantage of him, just as any other alphas.

"So?" She interrupted when she saw that Taehyung was zoning out.

"Ah-d-dress." Taehyung stuttered out in nervousness while he suddenly stuffed his mouth with a spoonful of his scrambled eggs.

"Okay then! I'll pick the best of the best for you sweetie." She said with a very loving smile. Taehyung just nodded and continued his breakfast along with the others.


Weeks passed with Taehyung and Jungkook avoiding each other. Even if their eyes met by mistake, Taehyung was the first to remove it with his eyes suddenly showing disgust which didn't went unnoticed by Jungkook.

By doing this, Taehyung was oblivious to the fact that with every drop of disgust and hatred he showed, Jungkook's heart also felt like bleeding and shredding into pieces.

He was internally shattered without being with Taehyung or seeing his shy smile and beautiful giggles which he started showing towards Jungkook whenever they were alone or when he complimented him but everything just ended that night.

It was another afternoon and Jin, Jimin and Taehyung were watching TV on the couch

"Hey do you see how handsome Damon is?" Jin sighed dreamily with heart eyes directed towards the handsome vampire.

"Oh shut it Jin Hyung. The most handsome and sexy is Stefan." Jimin argued.

"Says the one who has a mate." Jin fired back as his ears was not ready to accept anything against his Damon.

"As if Namjoon Hyung is your neighbor's mate." Jimin huffed with a smirk.

"Now don't let me-" Jin was cut off
when Taehyung excused himself to go to washroom and check something real quick. They both understand what he meant by the look he gave and nodded.

"Just come fast Tae, we are waiting." Jimin shouted while pausing the show that they were watching.

He was literally running in the staircase towards his room because he was feeling sticky down there.

He quickly made it to his floor and sighed in relief. He was passing the hallway when he bumped into a very hard chest.

He would've fell if it wasn't of that person to held Taehyung firmly by his waist. Taehyung doesn't need to sniff twice to know who it was, Jeon Jungkook.

He quickly straighten himself, said a little sorry and tried to run again until a hand hold his wrist

"Are you okay? Are you hurt? What happened to you? Why do I smell blo-" Jungkook started rambling without knowing because of his concern.

"Oh my God Jungkook! Nothing happened like that. Just let me go. I've something urgent to attend." Taehyung tried to remove the iron grip of Jungkook from his wrist.

"No! Until you say what happened. I can literally smell-" he said while trying to sniff.

"Lord, Jungkook I doubted that I was on my period but thanks to your great smell, am convinced. There, you got your answer now leave my hand." Taehyung shouted while fakely smiling. Blame his periodic mood swings for this.

"O-oh am sorry. I just got concerned that you might be harmed or something." Jungkook said while lowering his gaze.

"Says the one who harmed me." Taehyung sarcastically chuckled.

"Now you know that am fucking on my period, will you do the honor to leave my hand so that I can shove my tampon up my hole or you wanna do that?" Taehyung was too stunned as to how he said those bold words.

" can go and do your business." Jungkook then abruptly left his hand. He cleared his throat and left the scene while mumbling those words. Taehyung rolled his eyes by this and left.

Jungkook swore the side of Taehyung that he saw while he was on his period was totally different. The way he turned sassy was a turn on but even though he noted to himself that to not get on the bad side of this Taehyung in the future because his looks surely shouted that he was ready to kill him.



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