Chapter 39

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Author's P.O.V

"Yes, everything is perfectly fine. Both Luna and pup are healthy so no need to worry Head Alpha." Lisa said while keeping back her equipments.

Both the mates came to the doctor for checkup as said and were now totally satisfied after hearing the things Lisa said after checking up Taehyung.

"You both can also know the gender of your baby when Luna will go in the
fourth month of his pregnancy." Lisa chirped out happily.

"What do you think it will be?" Taehyung asked softly, only for Jungkook's ear to hear.

"I want a baby girl. You know, daddy's princess." He sighed dreamily.

"I thought you wanted a boy." Taehyung replied with frowned brows and a cute pout, his childhood habit that he does whenever he is thinking something.

"Any thing is fine as long as you both are healthy and will be in my protective arms. Now what about you, what do you want?" Jungkook said lovingly as he stared at his cute mate.

"Boy or girl, I don't care because both will be my pups. But if you say daddy's princess thing so I want a baby boy to make him as a momma's boy." Taehyung said teasingly which was then followed with his beautiful giggles.

Jungkook shook his head on  Taehyung's words with his bunny smile on display and his nose scrunched up cutely as he saw how beautifully his omega was giggling like a little pup.

"What about its rank? Will you mind if it isn't alpha?" Taehyung concerned voice spoke out thinking Jungkook will not like any child who isn't alpha because he himself was a trueblood so having a beta or omega might be a shame for him.

"How can you even think like that? My little bean will have all my attention and love despite being it alpha, beta or omega." Jungkook huffed with a pout thinking how dare Taehyung thinks him like a person who does partiality in his own pups.

"I was just concerned but you are right, no matter what rank our bean carry, it will have all our love and care." Jungkook then smiled hearing Taehyung's words, his pout long forgotten.

"As I said I want a girl, to be honest I want an omega girl. People might think I'll only want alphas as my pups but no, I want an omega girl who will be fragile like a glass and beautiful like a moon, an exact copy of her momma whom I wanna cherish forever." Jungkook spoke sincerely and with love along with sparkle shimmering in his eyes.

Taehyung can't help but blush by his alpha's words which were so sincere and the look in his eyes that held only love and adoration for him. His tummy went wild with butterflies that he accused on his weird pregnancy symptoms.

"Now let's go home. I'm tired and our little bean wants to sleep." Taehyung whined after their beautiful moment.

"Yes our little bean wants to sleep and not his momma, I know that. Now come on Highness." Jungkook said with an eye roll in a playful manner.

"As you should peasant." Taehyung tried to say in an authority tone but ended up in giggles making his alpha too chuckle by his cuteness.


"Jungkook, your father and I was thinking about something recently and we came to a conclusion that it is the right moment for it." Shin Hye stated.

It was night time and everyone was in the dining room having dinner with little chit-chat of here and there when Shin Hye started speaking suddenly.

"What mom?" Jungkook looked up from his plate while chewing the food in his mouth.

"As Taehyung has already completed his second month of pregnancy, we think we should announce this news to the whole pack officially on his ninth week." She explained.

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