Chapter 17

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Author's P.O.V

Taehyung was staring at Jungkook's wound that looks so painful and it hurt his heart that he was the reason for it.

As he was busy looking at it with guilt, Jungkook stirred a little in his sleep. He slowly came back to his consciousness and his eyes directly landed on Taehyung the moment he opened it.

"Tae? Are you alright? Did they hurt you anywhere?" Jungkook started asking questions as soon as he woke up though his mouth was totally dry.

Taehyung stared at him with a disbelief look. "Are you serious?! You are the one who was clawed and is laying on the bed right now though you are asking about me." Tears welled up in his eyes again and his cute little pout was again displayed.

Oh how sweet this alpha was and is with him though he only hurt him. Jungkook only provided him with love and utmost care but he only threw hatred and disgust towards him. He feels like he was the worst person in the universe to treat someone like Jungkook as shit.

"A-am so s-s-sorry. I-I'm such a bad person. I hated you and pushed you away like a dirt though you protected me even when you got hurt in the process. And yet you have the audacity to ask about me right now! How dare you!" Taehyung hiccupped in between and then stared sobbing while hitting Jungkook's shoulder almost like a 5 year old.

Jungkook pushed himself to sit up with the help of Taehyung. He then lifted Taehyung's chin by his fingers as he was crying hysterically while looking at the bedsheets.

"Pup? Hey pup, listen to me." Taehyung controlled his tears a bit and tried focusing on Jungkook's soft voice.

"I never hated you when you pushed me away or looked at me disgustedly. Yea I admit, whenever you did that, I literally felt my heart was being ripped from my chest. I literally wanted our relationship to become something before our marriage. I never realized how my feelings bloomed towards you during this process and I felt that you also started feeling the same towards me. But the day when you cleared out that its everything 'forced' for you, I broke that day and my heart completely shattered into million pieces but I couldn't bring myself to hate you baby. No, I can't do that ever. Wanna know why?"

Jungkook swallowed a huge lump in his throat and completely opened his heart and the feelings hidden behind it towards Taehyung because its now or never.

"Because I love you Kim Taehyung."

Those words were enough to stop the time for Taehyung around him as his breath hitched. The only thing he could focus was Jungkook and his wildly beating heart.

He looked at Jungkook in bewilderment but the other male's eyes were soft and only showed love in them. He'll also not hide anymore or cover in the shells anymore just because of his past. He'll also let Jungkook invade his heart as he also let Taehyung do the same.

"I love you too Jeon Jungkook. I accept you as my alpha."

"R-really?" Jungkook was shock to hear the confession back was an understatement because he clearly didn't expected it.

Taehyung nodded his head aggressively all the while smiling his cute boxy smile. "I'm sorry for pushing you away. Its just because of my past that I started hating alphas but you gave me no reason to hate you. Now I want to forget everything back and want only good memories with you Jungkook."

Jungkook wasted not a single second before pulling Taehyung into his warm embrace. Oh how much he wanted to feel his body on him from so many weeks.

"You wanna talk about it?" He pulled a little and stared directly at Taehyung and the same goes for Taehyung. "Not today." Taehyung mumbled softly and Jungkook nodded as he will wait for him to open up on his own.

Jungkook's eyes were on his lips then flickered back to his beautiful eyes and then again towards his lips. Taehyung noticed the passion in Jungkook's eyes and how much he was controlling himself.

So he wasted no time in attaching his lips to Jungkook making both of their heads to go haywire and heart to be pounding wildly in his chest.

Jungkook didn't expect it but he kissed back pouring all his love and passion for Taehyung into the kiss. He wanted him to know that he's the only one who belongs to his heart, he was the first and the last one who was able to entre his heart.

Jungkook tighten his hold on his waist and licked his bottom lip asking for permission.

Taehyung was contented as he was kissing the person who he love and who his heart accepted so without any second thought, he opened his mouth letting Jungkook taste his sweet cavern.

Jungkook deepened the kiss as both of their tongues overlapped and caressed each other while Taehyung got a tight hold of Jungkook's raven locks in his hand and the other squeezing his shoulder as everything was too much for him.

Jungkook tasted every corner of his mouth, letting not a single place being untouched by him and then slowly pulled away but a string of saliva connected their lips.

Both of their faces was adorned by a sweet smile as they lovingly gazed at each other. Jungkook wiped Taehyung's lips with his thumb and rested his forehead on Taehyung while both of them was breathing heavily.

"I too accept you as my omega, love." Jungkook mumbled on Taehyung's lips while pecking it one more time. He just couldn't resist the urge to not kiss Taehyung's lips when his lips were swollen and were glistening with saliva and he can't help but be proud that he is the one who made a mess of taehyung like this, only he can do this and 'no one' else.

Taehyung smiled while his cheeks got painted with red.

"By the way, your mouth tasted so sweet. It was sweet as your intoxicating smell that am so addicted with." Jungkook teased.

"D-don't!" Taehyung whined and then stuffed his face in Jungkook's neck to hide his blush that got deeper by the comment.

Jungkook laughed wholeheartedly in these whole week as his happiness is now back and lying in his arms.

"Okay. Okay I won't tease, love." Jungkook controlled to try his laughter.

"Actually it was good. I-I mean it was better than the first one. Maybe because it came directly from our heart which is now connected with each other." Taehyung sweetly explained like a baby how he felt though his cheeks burned with redness as he bit his lower lip.

"Yes. You are right. That time we were obliged to do but this time our heart told us to do. You were my first kiss love and I'll also make sure it to be the last." Jungkook said all the while hugging the koala like Taehyung who was latching on him.

"You were my first too." Taehyung mumbled shyly but happy that they were first of each other.

Jungkook pulled him out his chest and looked directly at his eyes. "You know now I literally can't wait this week to be over and our marriage to be done because I can't guarantee that I can stay away from you anymore. After the marriage, you'll all be mine and I'll be yours. We can also can go more than kisses after that you know." Jungkook smirked while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Shut up! You became perverted from being all lovey-dovey in just a second." Taehyung huffed.

"What? Don't you want little babies of ours? Little pups who'll be the resemblance of us?" He scowled but you can still see the naughty glint in his eyes.

"Okay okay, now keep quite. We'll think about the future later." Taehyung wanted to shut his pervert alpha.

"They will be so cute because they'll be made from us and purely out of our love." Jungkook mumbled dreamily while they both laid on the bed, tired from this long day though it was all worth it at the end.

They saw moon shining in its all glory in the night sky. Both Jungkook and Taehyung slept with a peaceful smile and a contended heart that night as they both were entangled in the warm embrace of their love.


Happy pride month!❤🧡💛💚💙💜 Just know that all my readers who I like to call lovelies, idc what your sexuality, gender identity, race, cast, community, ur body shape is, I love you all just the way u are.❤ So always be free and expressive here because no one is here to judge you n I love you all.💗


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