Chapter 45

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Author's P.O.V

Jungkook and his whole army along with Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok started moving towards Night Walker Pack.

Taehyung was going to be presented to someone tonight so they have to be fast and save him before anything bad happens to him.

The night came fast as all of them reached the pack boundaries of the enemy pack. The armies of Jungkook started killing everyone who came in their way.

Jungkook, Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok along with few of the armies decided to move towards the pack house instead of wasting time in front of the weaklings who was being taken care of.

Skin was teared, heads were snapped off, bodies were shredded, blood was spilling everywhere like a waterfall, the whole scene was a bloody and gory mess that can make anyone gag by just looking at it.

They reached the pack house in no time but it sure felt like an eternity by everyone as they hastily entered it. They expected many things and many scenarios in their head but not the one that they saw as soon as they busted inside the house.


Taehyung dreaded this night, the night where he was sitting on a white bed covered with silk bedsheets, all the while being prettied up to be greeted by not anyone but an unknown person who's 'present' he will be.

He was dressed up in a lingerie and face was full of makeup which was done by Yeri who didn't have any choice but to do as said. He was then dragged here with the guards and Yeri for final touch-ups.

All of them have left them and here he was sitting and waiting for someone. Tears were streaming down his cheeks without saying anything because he doesn't need to be told for why he was here.

He was not worried for himself but worried for their little bean who's the love of his and Jungkook's life.

He doesn't know for how long he waited there and cried but suddenly got startled when the door was suddenly barged open and a pungent smell of some alpha entered in his nose along with the same Head Alpha's smell who was still wearing that sickening smirk.

"Oh my! Oh my! See what we have here." Bogum dragged out his words in a teasing style.

"A pregnant omega dressed up like a whore. Don't let me start now of how much of a slut you look now. Totally not surprise that you are pregnant." He snickered while his eyes shone in a devilish manner.

"Now that you are all pretty up so let's call the person who's gift you are for tonight. You don't know for how long I searched for you to give him the satisfaction for what you did to him years back." Taehyung looked at him confusingly as to who he was talking while both of his hands settled on the top and lower part of his big belly.

"Come on now and see your birthday present 'my little brother'." Bogum announces and the door opened. As it opened, the intruder came in while the pungent smell increased in the whole room.

The intruder came in while wearing the same smirk as the Head Alpha and Taehyung's eyes were comically widen while his one hand went to his mouth as he loudly gasped.

"Long time no see, Kim Taehyung." That voice was difficult to forget, that face was difficult to forget, that sinister laugh was difficult to forget but Taehyung finally did forget it with the help of a certain alpha but now everything came back crashing to him as if he didn't forget anything from the very start and he feels like he's again back to square one.

"P-Park MinJoon." That name, that name was like a venom for Taehyung to even say with his tongue but now he did say it because the person who carries that name is standing right in front of him.

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