Chapter 8

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Idk wtf happened but such a great 18+pic got taken down by wattpad so I'm putting up another one🙄

Author's P.O.V

Jungkook smelt blood so he thought to check if someone was hurt or something but then he saw Taehyung having blood marks on his dress, he was taken off-guard but he soon realized that it was his periodic blood.

He didn't felt any kind of disgust from it but felt very shy to tell this to him. He tried to say this to him without making eye contact.

But Taehyung was very stubborn and made him look at him while telling him this. Jungkook was very shy but somehow told him and right now they ended entering the house.

Taehyung quickly left for his bedroom and Jungkook went to his to rest for a while after wandering the pack for almost three hours.

Taehyung quickly did his job and was contemplating on a thing right now. Should he return the jacket to Jungkook right now or wait till he ask him to return? He was feeling shy and embarrassed to face the older after what happened. But he chose the former option at the end.

Taehyung knocked on Jungkook's door and waited for a response. Jungkook was laying on his bed and wondered who knocked on his door.

"You may come in." But he didn't expect Taehyung standing there in a long T-shirt and shorts but holding his jacket in his hands.

"I-I actually came to..return this." Taehyung said while biting his lip and fiddling with the jacket.

Oh how much Jungkook wanted to bite those lips instead of letting Taehyung do that. He bet it will be very soft and tastes so good. Oh no-again Jungkook is getting dirty thoughts, he tried to remind himself not to think dirty and--.

"Hello?" Taehyung broke him from his horny thoughts.

"O-oh yea. No problem though." Jungkook said while taking the jacket from him.

"Do you need anything?"


"I meant do u need anything regarding your menstruation."

"I-No. I mean I have the necessities so I don't need anything more." Taehyung replied shyly.

"Okay. But if you need anything or have some problems regarding any matter, you can ask for my help, you know that right?"

Taehyung nodded and then left the room.


Right now Taehyung was sitting on a sofa with a cute guy with plump lips. He along with his mate also lived in the pack house with them. He introduced himself as Park Jimin and Jungkook's friend

He was one of the two omegas of this pack. He was very friendly to talk to and he pulled Taehyung out of his room to watch some TV with him.

Actually Taehyung was quite comfortable with him, maybe it was because Jimin was also an omega like him.

"Taehyung, how do you like here?"

" Its good. I mean people of here are nice especially Mrs Jeon. At first I mistook her for an omega because of her soft personality but her aura spoke different."

"Its good then. By the way, me and Jin are part of omega group and thought to name it 'trio omegas' after you join it. So what do you say?" Jimin asked in a hopeful manner.

"Umm... I'd love to join."  Taehyung spoke  out shyly.

"Yess! You don't know how happy Jin will be after listening to this." Jimin exclaimed while doing a little victory dance.

"Hey Jimin. Would you mind if I take Taehyung for a while?"

"Of course no. You can have him while I deliver this good news to Jin!!" Jimin said excitedly and ran towards Jin's room.

"Mrs Jeon?" Taehyung said while standing up from the sofa.

"Oh no Taehyung, just take a sit." Shin Hye said while sitting beside him.

"What is it ma'am?"

"I'll not tell you." Shin Hye pouted.

"Huh?" Taehyung said while being utterly confused.

"I mean first of all stop calling me 'Mrs jeon' or 'ma'am' shit things, call me mom. If you are uncomfortable with it before marriage, then Shin Hye will do but those stupid names will not!" She humped.

"Oh..okayy Shin hye"  Taehyung dragged out 'okay' a little bit and said with a shy smile.

"Yes that's better. By the way I came here to talk about the betrothed ceremony."

"What about it?" Taehyung suddenly became nervous.

" Oh don't be nervous. Actually I want you to choose a pretty dress or suit for this ceremony. I don't want to force you into wearing something you don't like so I want you to choose for yourself."

Taehyung was a bit relaxed about hearing what she wanted to tell but felt sadness after hearing his betrothed ceremony with an unknown alpha, sorry correction, trueblood alpha.

"Actually you have a pretty good taste so I'll not mind if you choose for me." Taehyung replied politely.

" Yea I know that but no. I want you to choose for yourself and become the face of 'Moon Goddess' again in the ceremony as you look daily."

Taehyung blushed by hearing that he is so much pretty for her that he is being compared to Moon Goddess.

"O-okay if u say so."

"Okay then! Your ceremony is in three days so you and Jungkook can go tomorrow and choose for yourself."

"Jungkook?" How the duck he jumped in this conversation.

"Yea. I want you both to go together and choose the best for yourself and other. I know you both will together choose something elegant for each other as everyone of the pack will be in the ceremony." She said with a smile

"..Oh..I understand." Taehyung said blankly.

"Don't worry I'll tell Jungkook to pick a time for tomorrow and take you the clothing center." She said happily while Taehyung just nodded his head, his mood just got spoiled after hearing the trueblood's name.



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Omfg its just one day of butter song and we taekookers are fed like crazy. My heart just boomed after seeing this pictures!! I love them sm!!😍😍😍❤❤


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