Chapter 18

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Author's P.O.V

Again a beautiful morning came with a bright sun shining up in the sky with all its might.

Shin Hye was greatly worried for Jungkook throughout the night. She thought that Jungkook didn't even wake up the whole night that's why Taehyung might have not informed her but little did she know what really happened.

So she decided to check up on Jungkook as her motherly instincts were kicking in.

She went towards Jungkook's room and then knocked a little. She waited for a while but then opened the door when she didn't got a respond. She literally didn't expected the scene that she saw after opening the door.

She saw Taehyung sleeping peacefully on his left side while Jungkook's head was resting on his chest. Both of their legs were entangled with each other while one hand of Jungkook was on Taehyung's waist protectively and Taehyung's hand was threaded in Jungkook's hair. Jungkook was looking like a cute squishy baby on Taehyung's chest, totally opposite of his poker face that he maintain with everyone except his family to remain professional.

She squealed like a teenage girl and ran out of the room to gather everyone to see this once in a while sight.


"Omg Jimin! Do you know there's a trueblood cocky alpha who sleeps like a baby in his omega's arms." Jin laughed his windshield laugh while teasing the hell out of Jungkook since the time they both woke up.

"Oh yea how can I forget that! It was such a soft and cute sight to see our head alpha like that. Who knows when we'll get the chance again?" Jimin started in a teasing tone but sighed dramatically at the end.

"Don't worry you Yoongi slut, we'll just barge in their room whenever we want and who knows what more we can witness." Jin suggested wiggling his eyebrows and his mind was totally running no where near pure things.

Taehyung was laughing and enjoying the teasing that his alpha was getting while Jungkook was totally embarrassed by the discussion that those two dork heads were making about him.

But when the talk turned into a dirty one, Taehyung became flustered while Jungkook smirked proudly while looking at his omega, Taehyung.

The chit-chat and teasing of them went throughout their breakfast, making some laugh and lose their shit while other being flustered.


Night dawned upon with the moon shining in its all beauty in the dark black sky. There was a knock heard on a certain raven head's room.

Jungkook didn't even had to ask who's outside the door when he can clearly smell the chrysanthemum with newly bloomed roses which was filling his nostrils.

He quickly went and opened the door pulling the person roughly inside the room.

"Oh my god Jungkook! How are you so energized even at night?" Taehyung said while rubbing his wrist through which he was yanked inside the room while his lips formed into a pout.

"When it comes to you, am energized everytime...especially during night, pup." He spoke in a teasing tone but came very close to Taehyung's ear and huskily spoke the last sentence.

Taehyung was beet red after hearing Jungkook's words that were so dirty and nasty so he pushed him a little by his shoulder.

"Shu-shut up! Will you!?" Taehyung squeaked out embarrassedly as his cheeks were burning red.

Jungkook just chuckled and brought his hands towards Taehyung's waist while holding him tightly and like a cue, Taehyung's hands encircled around his nape.

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