Chapter 44

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Author's P.O.V

The party came to an end and the people of the pack left the hallroom one by one. Everyone sighed in tiredness and were sitting in a circle together on a table.

"Where is Taehyung?" Hoseok asked while looking here and there.

"Oh, I left him at the corner there because he was not feeling well and Mr Wang also called me to talk about almost non-sense things. Wait, I'll fetch him." Jungkook was going to get up from his chair when Jimin interrupted him.

"No, he isn't there. I mean I checked everywhere here in case any pup might miss out or something but I didn't find Tae." Jimin said with big eyes that was more or less confused.

"What? Then maybe he went to our room. Don't worry, you all can go and rest and I'll leave to check on Taehyung." All of them nodded at him and left for their rooms.

Jungkook sped walked towards his room to check up on his pup and little bean because he doesn't know why but his inner trueblood was going crazy and just wanted to embrace his omega in his protective and warm arms right now.

He slammed open his room's door and instantly shouted his omega's name. "Pup, you left early? You should've told-" He stopped mid-sentence when he saw his room empty and just like how they both left it before the party.

His eyes doubled in size in horror when he didn't saw his omega but shook his head in denial from upbringing thoughts that he shouldn't.

He gulped and ran towards the bathroom in search of his mate but found it empty too. He was going crazy and even his wolf was going crazy but it was ten times more as not only their mate was missing, their pregnant mate was missing, moreover Taehyung was in his last month.

Taehyung being disappeared at this crucial moment was driving Jungkook crazy because if his omega is playing with him, it is a very dirty joke for him right now as his heart is threatening to come out.

He ran downstairs in the living room of their house and started shouting his parents and friends name. Soon they all came down hurriedly.

"What happen Kook?" Namjoon asked.

"Tae-Taehyung is missing. I can't even find him in our room nor he is here. Where the hell is he!?" Jungkook will totally go insane if his omega isn't back.

"What are you saying? Did you checked everywhere?" Shin Hye asked, being totally worried.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I checked everywhere and I can't fucking find him!" Jungkook's anger was taking the best of him and he knows it will be a total disaster if his wolf takes the whole control.

"Wait wait Jungkook? You-you people got attacked few weeks ago and one of the wolf said that Taehyung is wanted by some pack, right?" Namjoon thought of this and put forward his words but visibly gulped when he too connected every dots and understood where it was leading them all.

"Fucking Night Walker Pack!" Jungkook shouted.

"I too think that if Taehyung is missing then it is done by none other than them." Yoongi said.

"Hoseok hyung, I need you to contact our best spy and ask her to make sure if my Taehyung is kidnapped by them or not." Jungkook commanded getting a 'got it' from Hoseok.

"And Yoongi hyung and Namjoon hyung, I want you to ready our army and prepare them for the upcoming attack against them. If what we are thinking is true then I'll make sure to turn the Night Walker Pack into dust for kidnapping my omega and our unborn pup." Jungkook's red eyes showed determination while his fists was clenched so tight that drops of blood starting falling one by one on the floor from his palm.

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