Chapter 35

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Author's P.O.V

Taehyung was standing in front of a body mirror in their room and was admiring his body being half naked. He smiled warmly seeing the baby bump that have already formed and caressed it.

Taehyung can't explain his happiness in word whenever he sees his bump. He was only in his panty and was admiring all the changes that was happening in his body.

Yes, he was admiring all his changes because this was all happening because of his lovely pup in his tummy. He is a male omega so there was bit more changes in him rather than females and that was his chest was growing just like teenage girls.

His chest was growing more and more everyday and it feels a bit weird that suddenly he's growing boobs so he was needing to wear a bra. All the changes was fine with him but he find this one a bit embarrassing so he was getting insecure of it.

He then worn a white lace bra and lace panty and then was going to wear his beige color frock with dark blue flowers print on it but he was suddenly  interrupted by a knock.

"Wait-" But the door opened cutting Taehyung mid-sentence and in came Jungkook.

"Pup, are you done-" Jungkook stopped mid sentence when he saw that his omega was standing almost naked and his body was looking so heavenly that Jungkook wanted to worship it more than he do already.

Taehyung squirmed in his place due to the heavy gaze that was being directed to him by his alpha so he tried covering his upper body with his hands.

Jungkook slowly came towards the mirror where Taehyung was standing and looked at him without blinking.

"You look beautiful. Don't hide." Jungkook's voice got octaves deeper than normal. He removed Taehyung's hands from his upper part and gazed at his chest like a hungry hunter that was ready to devour his prey.

"No, don't lie. I know I look weird." Taehyung mumbled while he held his head low.

Jungkook tsked at his response and turned Taehyung towards the mirror and backhugged him.

"Can you see this beautiful omega here, pup? Its you. My beautiful omega who looks so heavenly than before. You look just like a fallen angel in this white lingerie." Jungkook spoke huskily in his omega's ear and sensually bit on his earlobe followed by a slow lick making Taehyung to moan out.

"Don't. My hormones are haywire due to this pregnancy and right now I want to go to the place you want me to show." Taehyung murmured lowly and placed his hand on top of his alpha's hands that were on his waist and tried to remove it.

"Hmm so my little touches now make you go crazy." Jungkook licked a stripe on the side of his omega's neck while his right hand sensually moved upwards to cup one of his omega's growing chest.

Jungkook then started massaging his omega's chest and sometimes rubbed his thumb over the erected bud over the cloth. He can start smelling his omega's arousal that was getting stronger each second.

His left hand caressed his tummy and then went towards the lower part of Taehyung's body. He pressed his fingers in front of the opening and rubbed it aggressively while his thumb pressed on his clit and felt wetness that was leaking down there.

"See yourself now in the mirror, pup." Jungkook husked. Taehyung looked towards the mirror and saw himself being all wrecked up by his alpha and moaned loudly.

"You are so pretty. So gorgeous only for my eyes to see. Don't even dare to feel something negative about your body ever because remember that this is the body that I worship." Jungkook then lovingly kissed his cheek and then again brought his hands to his waist.

"But-but my upper part looks we-weird. I-I mean that it used to be flat and then now know- I mean I know it was going to happen but-but wearing a bra is such a difficult task. Bra is such a fucking bitch, it gives me itches and at first I felt I was being suffocated to death." Taehyung started in an insecure manner but then his mood changed and he started yelling at the bra and its discomfort.

Jungkook laughed by this. "Don't worry. To be honest, now with your chest more chubbier and bigger than before makes me so so horny that I have to hold myself back. Its so pretty. It clearly defines that you are going to be a momma of our cute little bean." Taehyung chuckled at how his alpha was drooling over his chest.

"Okay. Now leave me. Let me get dress and then we have to go also." Taehyung started whining, his mood swings as usual, one second he became horny and then angry and now whiny.

"Okay, my pretty omega." Jungkook said and then picked the dress that was on the bed and unzipped the back part of it so it can easily be worn by his omega.

"Pretty. Be proud of it." Jungkook came closer to Taehyung and bent down to kiss his cleavage.

Jungkook then changed his omega into his dress and as expected, Taehyung pulled off the dress so beautifully that Jungkook was left awestruck by his beauty.

"Tell me the secret of your beauty, Jeon Taehyung." Jungkook said while looking at Taehyung with his big doe eyes and admired every inch of him.

Taehyung laughed at his alpha who sometimes, no always acts like a child with him except on bed.

"Shut up and let me do my hair real quick and then we will leave." Taehyung then immediately started brushing his blonde hair and settled it as he pleased and smiled widely.

"I'm done! Let's go!" He cheered happily and held Jungkook's hand and pulled him towards the door as he was getting too excited.

Though Jungkook didn't budge from his place so Taehyung looked at him confused.

"Kiss me first then I'll take you." Jungkook demanded with a pout, like a baby who's demanding for a chocolate.

When Taehyung said his alpha is kid, then he really meant it. So Taehyung came forward and kissed him with a loud smooching sound.

"Happy?" Taehyung asked with a fake smile.

"So much!" Jungkook exclaimed with a big bunny smile on his face that made Taehyung to smile his real boxy smile too and shake his head at the cuteness of his alpha. 

"Now let's go?" Taehyung asked.

"Yes, why not." Jungkook said and started to lead Taehyung with their interlocked hands to the place that he wanted him to show for a while now. 


Study sucks!🙃


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