Chapter 42

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Author's P.O.V

It was twelfth weeks of Taehyung's pregnancy and soon he was going to complete his third month. To say things were getting difficult for Taehyung would be an understatement because of his huge tummy.

So Lisa was called at their mansion today for a big thing or more like to tell them their baby gender instead of both the mates to go to the clinic.

It was easy for Taehyung to not go to clinic and call Lisa there by just showing his big eyes with a small pout on his red lips while saying that both he and their little bean is tired to Jungkook who instantly melted at that and agreed for it.

Taehyung's going to complete his third month of pregnancy so they can know their baby gender but not their ranks because knowing ranks was only possible when the pup is born.

"Come, its this way." Jungkook led Lisa to his room where he found Taehyung sitting on the bed nervously yet his eyes showed anticipation.

Lisa settled her things and instrument on the nightstand and asked Taehyung to lay down on the bed while Jungkook sat beside him and held his hand.

"Now as you know this gel is a bit cold so I don't think you need to stress out so just relax and let me tell you the good news." Lisa smiled warmly which Taehyung noticed that she does every time and it surprisingly calm his nerves.

Lisa then applied the cold gel on the exposed tummy of Taehyung and started tracing it with an instrument called transducer all the while concentrating on the screen.

She was looking at it deeply as if trying to find the right spot and when she did, her smile grew wide towards both the Head Alpha and Luna.

"What do you think it is?" She asked them with her big smile that made her look cute.

"Dada's girl."

"Momma's boy."

Both the males put forward their choices and looked at each other with playful competition as if telling that they were correct and the other was wrong.

"So.. one is correct though other is wrong. Congratulations! Its a boy. Or more precisely Luna won in this prediction." She chirped out and clapped her hands, being genuinely happy for the couple.

"Yes I won. Now I'm getting my little boy soon." Taehyung yelled out happily and looked at Jungkook with triumph eyes making Jungkook pout out a little though he soon shook his head and smiled at his cute giggly omega childishness.

Lisa wiped out the gel and soon left with all her instruments as she had other patients to look after too but not before congratulating them again.

"Are you happy with this?" Taehyung asked and teared his eyes from his lap and looked at Jungkook.

"Of course, pup. I'm happy with it and if you think about I might be sad for not getting a girl but let me remind you we have more time for it so we will definitely try again." Jungkook said it out with a smirk.

Taehyung blushed and hit him on his chest while his other hand was unconsciously caressing his tummy where his little bean was happy as if feeling his momma's emotions of happiness of knowing that he will be getting his momma's boy soon.

"I didn't even gave birth to our first one yet you are thinking about the second. But for your knowledge, I will not have another pup any soon atleast not till our little boy is three years or so." He spoke with narrowed eyes to his husband.

"Lets see when we are having sex because I clearly remember it was not me who was asking for knots." Jungkook smirked out and acted as if he was talking to himself though it was totally directed for Taehyung making the latter huff out and look at the other direction with his burning cheeks.


"Oh my! I'm having a grandson." Shin Hye squealed. Both the mates enclosed the news of having a boy to their family members.

"Calm down honey." Jungkook's dad laughed at her over excited wife.

"We should celebrate it, don't we?" Jin joined in the conversation.

"Yes yes totally!" Jimin too chimed in the over excited people conversation.

"Okay. If you people wants this so lets celebrate it." JungIn said making everyone cheer at this.

"So when should we have it?" Taehyung asked curiously.

"I think its best to have it on the onset of your twenty one week, do you want that? Like there will be one month still left for your delivery so?" Shin Hye asked.

"I agree on that." Taehyung said with a smile that reached his eyes and showed how happy he was.

With that said everyone in Jeon mansion along with the maids and servants started decorating and preparing for the upcoming function.

Everyone was very happy and Taehyung was ordered to only look at them from afar as he was already in his twentieth week. Five days from now will complete his fourth month of pregnancy and he'll enter in his last month with a great news of announcing their baby boy to the whole pack.

Everything was good and going smoothly but as said not every life is bed of roses because they are complications maybe big or small but we have to cross over it with our loved ones and find a better version of ourself and doesn't let our yesterday consume too much of our today.

So lets see how Jungkook and Taehyung are going to over come the complication that is going to arise on them while they are so oblivious to it.


"So he is going to give birth after a month or so?" Unknown voice boomed in a hall.

"Yes alpha, it is a certain information." The loyal beta said as he bowed in front of him.

"Hmm I see. I'm sure he will be happy to see him at this vulnerable condition." The said alpha started laughing like a maniac after saying these words while his eyes were big, being busy in imagining the psychotic scenarios in his mind.


Which gender you all thought and wanted for the baby?


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