Chapter 25

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Author's P.O.V

Jungkook was on his office break but he had to leave for an urgent matter. So Taehyung was left alone making him to pout his lips in boredom.

He thought he should go to the living room and eat something. So he did what he thought and was now eating pancakes that was made for the evening snack when two vocal of the house entered the kitchen when they saw that Taehyung was eating alone.

"Hey Taehyung." Both of them greeted or more like shouted at him.

"Hwey." He replied with mouth full of pancakes.

"Don't you think you should update us on your life?" Jimin said while wiggling his eyebrows.

"My life? Its going great." Taehyung said while smiling his boxy smile.

"Oh no no no. You took Jimin totally wrong. Actually we want to get updated on your sex life." Jin said while grinning from ear to ear.

Taehyung's boxy smile immediately turned into a shy smile with his cheeks getting colored with a red hue as he stopped chewing the pancakes that he was munching on earlier.

"Actually we mean like alphas are too strong on bed. So we were just curious about your experience, as in did you liked it?" Jimin said while being careful with his words and not ask the shy omega directly about his sex life according to him.

"I-I wa-was go-good." Taehyung was stuttering very badly as he was openly saying about his alpha on bed experience.

"Aww. Is our little Taehyungie getting shy? Don't shy out, we'll tell you about our alphas also." Jin added with an unwanted exciting tone.

"I-I don't want to know." Taehyung mumbled while biting his lips as he was done eating his pancakes.

"Oh no. Today we'll again have our trio omegas day as all of our alphas are not here and we will decide which alpha is best on the bed, alright?" Jimin explained his plan while jumping up and down.

Jin furiously nodded his head on this and dragged Taehyung with them to Jimin's room which he denied obviously but still was dragged in.

They all settled down comfortably on Jimin and Yoongi's bed with pillows on their lap in order to be more comfortable and start their important talk.

"Okay so who goes first?" Jin questioned.

"Let me go first and Taehyung as last because he is a new comer." Jimin chimed excitedly making Jin instantly agree on this.

"Okay so you know Yoongi is literally a beast on bed. He's so so rough but I am not complaining a bit because I am a kinky bitch and love rough sex." Jimin explained happily as if a eight year old saying an essay on his family.

Jin clapped to this while Taehyung was thinking his wrong doings that he ended coming here as he's literally red because of listening Jimin's sex life that he really doesn't want to.

"Okay, so here I go. As you know Namjoon is so soft to me but you know what's the twist, he's also soft on bed." Jin deadpanned.

"You know I hate it. Like I want him to go rough but no, he fucking won't go. So here's a tip, sometimes I have to make him angry or jealous to have a rough sex wish to get fulfilled." Jin added as he laughed his wind-shield laugh.

"Now its time for our little Taehyung." Jimin said cutely as if they weren't talking about each other's sex life for God's sake.

"I am actually not experienced like you guys so I don't know what to say." Taehyung said while biting his lips and looking nervous as hell.

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