Chapter 24

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Author's P.O.V

The next day as promised Jungkook took Taehyung for an outing. He wanted to surprise him so he didn't tell him the place.

They were all ready and was going to leave the house when they were interrupted by a hyped up mom.

"Where you going sweeties?" Shin Hye high-pitched voice interrupted them.

"I am just taking Taehyung to somewhere that I really wanna experience with him." Jungkook smiled warmly but that smile only came when he was looking at Taehyung.

"Oh my God! Don't tell me you are taking Taehyung outside to experience different kinds of sex positions in different places though I won't mind having armies of grandchildren but just think about little Taehyung." She said sadly while being literally showing sympathy towards his son's in law having unlimited sex.

"Mom!! What the heck! Are you serious? I am just taking him out after marriage for God's sake. Please check your brain, I guess its getting dirtier as the days pass." He looked weirdly at his mom while Taehyung was trying to control his laughter due to mother-son cute bickering.

"Okay okay you bad son. Go and have fun. I am done teasing." Jungkook then quickly held Taehyung's hand and pulled him out of the house before his mother again start talking nonsense.

"Thank God. Now come on, let's go. I'm literally excited for it." Jungkook sighed but then instantly got excited of the surprise for his omega.


They reached the destined place and Jungkook has closed the younger's eyes. Taehyung was just blindly following his alpha as he trust him that he'll not let him trip at least.

"We are here!" Jungkook cheered happily and removed his hands from his eyes. Taehyung blinked a couple of times to adjust to the light and as he did, he gasped after seeing the sight in front of him.

Taehyung quickly turned around and screamed on top of his lungs. "Horse riding!?" Jungkook furiously nodded his head.

"Do you like it? I really wanted to try this with you." Jungkook said happily.

"I-I actually wanted to try this from childhood but never did. I'm also kind of scared." Taehyung mumbled the last part lowly.

"You never did?" Jungkook asked softly making Taehyung nod his head meekly.

"Don't worry then." Jungkook lifted his omega's chin and looked directly into his warm brown eyes. "You won't have to be scared when I'm here with you. I'll help you in fulfilling your childhood dream." He added further and gently pecked his soft lips.

This confidence and warmness that was radiating from Jungkook helped in boosting the omega's own confidence in riding the horse. He nodded confidently and held Jungkook's hands to lead them the way.

Both of them went towards the horse owner to rent their desired horses. "Excuse me?" Jungkook politely smiled.

"Head Alpha. Please tell me with what I can help you and Luna." The owner first was shock a bit but then covered it up and bowed in front of them.

Jungkook nodded in acknowledgment and continued. "Actually we like to rent that black and white horse for three hours." The owner smiled and politely nodded and asked them to follow him.

Taehyung followed them and cutely tugged on Jungkook's sleeves. Jungkook turned around and asked him what's wrong through his eyes.

"I don't want to ride that alone." He whined in Jungkook's ear. "You don't want to?" Taehyung moved his head furiously while maintaining his pout on the lips.

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