Chapter 22

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Author's P.O.V

Jungkook was the first one to wake up in the morning. He checked the clock and it was eleven a.m. No wonder they didn't woke up early after their night activities.

Jungkook looked down at Taehyung and saw how ethereal he was looking. He was having afterglow effect of last night. His cheeks were squished on his hard chest and made him tempted to bite it so he did.

Taehyung whined from the biting as it disturbed his sleep. He turned his face in the opposite direction from Jungkook. By doing this, the blanket falled a little from his body and exposed his upper naked body.

Jungkook's eyes raked on his body that had so many bruises, bite marks, love bites making him proud that this was all his marks and Taehyung belonged to him. Then his eyes landed on his mark that was standing oh so proudly on his cute little omega's neck.

He called out his name to wake him up but his trials was of no avail because Taehyung didn't moved an inch from his place.

So he tried the golden card, he bent down and pressed a soft gentle kiss on the mark and the started sucking on it making tingles go crazy all over his body.

Taehyung opened his eyes wide by the sensation. "Why are you disturbing?" He whined as his beauty sleep was disturbed.

"Because you weren't waking up. Its already late so we had to get up now to freshen up and then have breakfast." Taehyung whined but then agreed after seeing the time.

They both sat up on the bed making their lower bodies be only covered by the sheets. Taehyung was rubbing his little fists in his eyes to get away from the sleep but his eyes widened by seeing patches of blood on the sheet.

"Ko-kookie?" He pointed his finger to the mess while looking at horrified.

"Its okay, pup. Its normal. It happens when you lose your virginity so don't worry, yea?" Jungkook spoke out gently yet lovingly seeing how scared his pup was looking.

He pulled him in his embrace and kissed his head. "Now let's get freshen up. This will be cleaned. So don't worry." Taehyung nodded in his chest.

Jungkook was the first one to leave the bed in order to prepare the bath but stopped in his movement when he heard a shriek from his pup.

"Why-why the hell you walking around naked!?" Taehyung shouted while covering his eyes. This made Jungkook to laugh at how cute his pup was being.

"Don't act like you didn't see this last night or more precisely didn't 'felt' it" Jungkook smirked. Taehyung removed his hands and looked at him shocked.

"You are so nasty and openly perverted." His face was red and became more red after seeing that huge monster that ripped him yesterday because Jungkook was facing him while being naked.

"Come on now, don't act like that. I saw all of yours and you saw all of mine." The mischievous smirk wasn't leaving the alpha's face.

"Forget it. You are too dirty, I don't wanna talk to you." Taehyung tried wrapping the blankets on him and standing up but sat right down on the bed while a loud shrill scream left his mouth.

This made Jungkook instantly run towards him in concern making him totally forget about his earlier cocky smirk.
"Are you alright, pup?" Jungkook asked with wide eyes.

"Ahh-no it hurts. H-hurts down th-there" Taehyung's face was scrunched up in pain so Jungkook kissed on his forehead to remove the frown that was etched on there.

"Its okay, pup. Its okay. Just wait here till I fill the tub and ready the bath then I'll come and help you till there, yea?" Taehyung nodded in pain as his bottom was hurting like hell.

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