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Author's P.O.V

7 years later~

The alpha threw the omega on the bed and hovered over him as the latter locked his hands and legs on the former's neck and waist.

"A-ahh Ju-Jungkook mhm." Taehyung moaned out aloud when he felt wet kisses down his jaw to his neck.

"Yes pup? What do you want?" Jungkook asked while smirking and eyeing his omega from his head to toe who was laying naked in all his glory on the bed.

Jungkook was supporting himself on his palm, looking at his omega who was squirming underneath him and was trying to touch and bring his alpha close to himself.

"I want you alpha, right now." Taehyung slurred out as he was drunk in pleasure.

"Your wish is my command pup." Jungkook husked out as his voice dripped with dominance.

Jungkook instantly dived down in Taehyung's neck and chest, giving them both the same treatment by sucking and biting on them.

He then came face to face with his omega's pink perky buds who was dying for attention so Jungkook wasted no time in giving it what it wanted.

Jungkook slowly blowed air on the right one and then took it in his mouth. He first licked it then bit into it softly before taking it fully in his mouth, sucking and nibbling on it softly.

Jungkook left the right one for a moment to kiss him again but then quickly latched on Taehyung's right bud as he sucked on them harshly while he kneaded the other boob with his hand. He bit and tugged on them making the omega to hiss and arch his back beautifully.

"D─don't bite." Taehyung hissed in both pleasure and pain, his hand getting a hold of the hair of his alpha and the other clutched the shoulder.

Jungkook's other free hand went downwards towards the desperate hole of his omega and inserted three fingers together as slick acted as a lube while his other hand was busy in kneading and pinching his omega's left nipple while he was sucking like an infant on his right one.

"You taste so sweet just like always." Jungkook left the now swollen nipple with a pop sound and praised Taehyung making him to shy away.

Jungkook can't believe that Taehyung still gets shy and embarrass when he praise or tease him sexually just like years back when they first made love.

Jungkook was going to insert his cock inside the hole when a shrill cry was heard from the other room of theirs making Taehyung to chuckle while Jungkook to groan out aloud.

"How dare you chuckle when my cock is gonna suffer now?" Jungkook grumbled out with a pout, the whole dominant facade of earlier leaving.

"What? Can't I chuckle? Now go and bring my baby." Taehyung continued smiling as he ordered Jungkook.

"I swear I'm not going to have any more kids." Jungkook mumbled under his breath while wearing his sweatpants.

"So start wearing condoms while having sex you dumb. Now go." Taehyung sassed.

"Yeah yeah going." Jungkook huffed out and left the room to bring the crying pup.

In the meanwhile, Taehyung put on his shorts of his night dress and left the top wear open and instead covered himself with bedsheet after wiping his chest area with a wipe.

Jungkook soon came back with a one year old crying male omega who was seeking for his momma's warmth and started hitting Jungkook after seeing Taehyung.

"M-mwomma." The cries started getting more louder as he was fully turned towards Taehyung's direction making grabby hands.

"Oh my puppy, come to momma." Taehyung cooed at theirs son, Jeon Taekook, who is the third child of them.

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