Chapter 7

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Authors P.O.V

Jungkook and Taehyung were currently in the pup training ground. There were many baby wolves from the age of 3-6 years learning how to change and control their wolf.

Jungkook showed some streets and bazaars of his pack. Then he thought of asking the place that Taehyung wanted to see and Taehyung being an omega and having a soft spot for kids in his heart made them end here.

They were sitting on a grass. Taehyung was staring at pups though Jungkook was staring at him. He was broken off from his trance when a little pup came running to them.

"Alpha! Good moing(morning)." A little pup who look like 3 years old came running to them. He was followed by more three kids of his age who were playing with him.

"Good morning. What's your name?"

"My nwame is Jack. These are my fwiends, Jeremy and Sarah." The kid named Jack cutely explained.

"What are you doing here and who is he?" Jeremy asked.

"Wait- I know! Evly(every) pweople twalk abowt him. He's owur future Luna, right?" The cute girl with two little pigtails named Sarah said with a proud smile on her face like she achieved the biggest award in the world.

Taehyung had a pink layer coating his cheeks again this day by the girl's reply. Jungkook chuckled. "Yes. He is." Jungkook said with warm eyes staring into Taehyung's honey colored eyes. Taehyung's blush darkened and he visibly gulped by seeing the look in Jungkook's eyes.

Taehyung found not a single glint of dominance or taunt in jungkook's eyes while he said those words but only warmness. But he was too broken to believe these gestures again because once he believed in all these like a naive omega but he'll not repeat the same mistake.

They broke their eye contact when that little girl held Taehyung's hand. "Cwan I sit here?" She pointed towards his lap.

Taehyung smiled brightly and pulled the kid in his lap. Other two boys got jealous by seeing her sit on Luna's lap so they went and jumped on Jungkook's lap with a victory smile.

Jungkook was startled by their actions but Taehyung broke into giggles. He swore that the giggles was like music to his ears.

"Swee! We awso sat on Alpha's lap." Jeremy said.

"Hmph! So what? I hwave my Luna." And then she kissed Taehyung on his cheek.

"Whatever! Lets pway but thwis time with our Luna.” Jack said.

The three kids pulled Taehyung to play which left jungkook to just sit there and smile at them.

They were running here and there to catch each other. Taehyung was smiling widely and it didn't look forced but a real smile that the little kids were able to pull off which Jungkook was thankful for them.

Jungkook abruptly went towards them and stopped them playing. "Okay. Alpha have some work so Luna has to leave with him."

All the three pups started whining. "Don't whine now. I'll come visit u pups again. Don't worry sweetheart and then we can play again, okay?"

They all happily nodded and left. Taehyung stared at Jungkook expecting to lead them back to pack house thinking that he might have work. Though Jungkook looked a bit nervous and hesitant.

"What? Ain't you leading us back?" Taehyung asked looking expectantly.

"Ac-actually... I guess it is that time of month of yours." Jungkook looked a bit shy saying this to him and  quickly avoided eye contact after that.

"That time of month? Mine? What are you talking about?" Taehyung asked being actually confused with raised eyebrows.

He finally looked into my eyes.

"Your back part of dress is s-stained... with bl-blood. I guess you are on your periods." He stuttered cutely but the thing that he said didn't let Taehyung focus on that cute part.

"W-what!!?" Taehyung quickly checked the back part and indeed it was stained. Thank goddess they were near a tree and there were no people around except the kids far away playing.

"How can I forget the date!?" Taehyung shouted angrily forgetting about Jungkook totally. He then suddenly remembered about him and felt a bit embarrassed and turned his face away from him.

But the thing Jungkook did next literally shocked him to the core.

He opened his jacket that he was wearing above his T-shirt and wrapped it around Taehyung's waist gently.

"This can cover for a while now but you might wanna change from it as fast as possible as its dirty. So come on, I know a short cut to reach our house quickly." Jungkook said with a very gentle voice.

Taehyung looked at him with wide eyes. He literally not expected such a gentleman move from him. Taehyung thought he'll made fun of it and leave him there so that he wouldn't be embarrassed by him or feel dirty from him but he instead offered him his jacket to cover up.

"Thank you so much." Taehyung said in a soft voice with sincerity. He nodded. Then Taehyung felt Jungkook's big and rough hands holding his small and soft hand that made it look like he was holding a kid. This made his heartbeat fasten. Jungkook then lead them back to the house quickly.


I have so many 18+ fanart to share with u guys but I feel you all will be uncomfortable, so do you all want me to share those with you or keep it normal fanarts tho ik a fact that you all are thirsty hoes when it comes to taekook.


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