Chapter 37

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Author's P.O.V.

Both the mates were enjoying the comfortable silence around them until they heard a rustling sound coming from behind the bushes.

"Did you also heard something?" Taehyung asked in a shushed manner and got a nod from Orion.

Soon the rustling of the leaves increased and started coming from all the directions around them.

"K-Kookie I'm scared." Taehyung whispered and Jungkook was able to sense his emotions through the bond which made his wolf angry on the one who caused this.

In a second, five huge dirty black and brown wolves came out from the bushes and surrounded both the mates.

The leader of them came forward and growled before changing into his human form.

"Give us this omega." The leader snarled.

Jungkook changed into his human form in an instant and then looked deadly calm to the so called leader.

"And why would you say that?" Jungkook's voice was dangerously calm.

"See, our Alpha wants him so better give him to us without making any chaos." The leader replied in his gruffy voice.

"Chaos, I see. Do you know who I am? I'm his alpha, Head Alpha of this whole pack and you really think I'll give away my omega just because you are asking nicely." Jungkook maintained his composure but his voice dripped with venom and anger that was ready to come out and lash on them.

Jungkook changed into his wolf form in a blink of an eye. He took Taehyung up with the help of his mouth and ran into the bushes. He tried to find a safe place which he did and ordered Taehyung to hide there until he comes to rescue him out.

The wolves that attacked them started to chase them as soon as Jungkook started running. But unfortunately they lost him in the forest. They started growling and informed each other to go in different directions and find them.

They were divided into two pairs making the leader alone to search for the omega. One of the two wolves went in right direction, one in left and the leader just went straight in order to try locating the omega.

Jungkook smirked from afar seeing them dividing and going in search of them. The place where he hid Taehyung, he's sure nobody can find it because it also took him so much time to find although he lives there.

He saw two wolves that looked like betas and he smirked in victory thinking its just a fly in front of the trueblood.

He charged towards them and knocked them down. He sank his canines into the stomach of one wolf and ripped it open, going to do the same with other.

Orion killed two wolves without any hesitation because they were harm towards his omega and their pup. He found the other pair too and killed them mercilessly and started running to find their asshole of a leader.

To find the leader and kill him was Orion's motive but seeing him pin down his pregnant omega on the floor while snarling on his face was nowhere what he thought.

Orion's eyes changed into bloody red eyes. He was only seeing red and that meant that he went into a killing rampage mode. Seeing his pregnant omega in that situation made his inner trueblood to go crazy and kill each and everything that sees like a harm for his omega.

He growled very loudly, a dangerous growl that was heard throughout the forest making little birds to fly from the place they are sitting and little animals to run in their holes or caves where they are safe with their family.

The leader looked up to met with a crazy trueblood who was ready to shred him into pieces though he smirked and leaned down, leaned down to lick a stripe on Taehyung's cheek making him whimper and cry in agony from the dirty wolf's weight on him and the dirty saliva that he left on his cheek.

That was the last straw, the leader should be prepared for the horrible death that was awaiting for him by none other than Jungkook.

"Submit." Jungkook growled.

The leader being an alpha started shivering from the command that he received as he was trying to defy it but he got removed from Taehyung and felt onto the ground baring his neck in submission.

Taehyung's situation was worst because he being a male omega was the weakest against the trueblood's command. 

Jungkook saw this and ran towards his omega. The wolf's eyes changed from deadly to soft just by the sight of his omega. Orion started licking his mate mark and nuzzling in his jaw in order to calm him and tell him that the command wasn't for him.

"S-scared Ko-Kookie." Taehyung hiccupped while tears were running down his face and Orion then turned towards the submitted wolf and his eyes again changed to dark and deadly. 

"Stay here, pup." Orion said softly and then turned towards the alpha.

Orion stood in front of him and looked at him, if eyes could kill then that alpha would have been surely dead.

Orion pushed his nails of his paw deep in his neck and scratched the veins out making the blood vessels to start pop out and blood flowing out everywhere as of water from fountain.

The alpha screeched in pain that was emitted from his neck and he started trying to put his fangs into the trueblood to stop the pain but he failed to do so.

Orion then held his neck down in the ground as he was literally pinned down. The alpha's neck was cut and half open and blood was gushing out like a waterfall as he took his last breaths as the wound from his neck was deadly painful but it didn't kill him in an instant but was doing it at a slow pace.

"Tell me who the fuck sent you here?" Orion changed back into Jungkook but that deadly look in his eyes remained.

"N-no." The leader was gasping for breath though he was not ready to open his mouth and tell the truth.

"Tell me now, alpha." Jungkook again ordered him in his trueblood voice but made his voice audible only for the leader to hear as he put more pressure on his neck.

"Al-alpha of Night Walker Pack." The so called leader said and took a last long breath and got limped in the ground.

Jungkook huffed by his response and threw the dead body on the ground carelessly but got alert for the respective pack as to why they would want his Taehyung.

Jungkook went towards Taehyung and picked him up in bridal style and kissed his forehead.

"Let's go home." Jungkook said in a very soft and soothing tone as his omega was shaken off from the situation.

Taehyung kept his hands on his stomach and nodded his head in response and buried his face in his alpha's chest in order to find calmness as his smell is always able to calm him down despite the situation.


Suggest me some good songs except heavy metal.
My favorite song and one of the types of songs that I like :- Back To December by Taylor Swift.


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