Chapter 43

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Author's P.O.V

Loud chattering of people and giggling of little kids could be heard throughout the big hall room of Dark Moon Pack where all functions take place of the pack.

Both the mates announced their pup being a boy and dinner was currently served on. The whole pack were truly happy for their Alpha and Luna and gave them their blessings and praises continuously.

Both Jungkook and Taehyung were currently engaged in a conversation with people when suddenly Taehyung spoke out.

"Jungkook, my legs are sore and my chest kinda feel heavy so I want to sit." Taehyung whispered in his alpha's ear while clutching his big tummy as he has entered in his last month.

Jungkook understanding the situation took Taehyung to a chair near the corner and helped him to sit.

"Do you um-want me to help you with that again?" Jungkook asked while motioning his eyes towards Taehyung's chest with his eyes and smirked.

"S-shut up you pervert! Can't believe you are saying this even when we are surrounded by people." Taehyung whisper-shouted as his cheeks blazed in embarrassment.

"I'm just kidding, pup, but are you fine?" Jungkook's previous perverted face morphed into a concerned one.

"Yes, I am. I was just really feeling suffocated there." Taehyung said while looking at the apple drink that was served to him.

"Luna!" Loud shouts of children was heard and three similar faces came in view of both raven and brunette head.

"Hey." Taehyung greeted with a smile.

"Luna we hwerd that you ale going to hwave a male pup!" Sarah said excitedly, one of the three kids that he met in the pup ground.

"Yes, he is going to." Jungkook said with a loving smile that was directed to Taehyung.

"Bwut where ish he?" Jeremy asked while Jack nodded at his friend question that seemed like one of the good question according to him.

"He is here." Taehyung said softly while caressing his big tummy with a smile and sparks in his eyes.

"Luna! You ate our pwaymate!" Jack exclaimed with big worried eyes. Both the Alpha and Luna bursted out in laughter seeing the innocence of little kids.

"No little one. Its just that your future playmate is getting ready in there before he comes out and play with you." Jungkook crouched down at their heights and tried to explain them in simple words.

"Oh. it will cwome out? Sarah asked with her cute round eyes.

"Don't stress so much kiddos--" Jungkook was abruptly cut off by loud calls from Namjoon who was calling him to talk with an important person.

"I'm coming right up, pup, so don't move until I come, okay?" Jungkook asked to which he got a nod from his omega who again got engrossed in his conversation with little kids.

"So yeah that's how it is done." Taehyung explained something to little pups earning 'oh' from them while he sipped on his juice.

Soon the kids left him to play outside with other ones and he kept his now empty glass on the table. He tried to look at the direction where Jungkook went but was unable to see him so he sighed in defeat and slumped back in his chair due to boredom.

The kids left him and Jungkook too went away to talk with useless people while his pretty mate was waiting for him, this was all what Taehyung was thinking but soon he was feeling like his surrounding was becoming hazy so he closed his eyes thinking that it was happening due to his pregnancy.

He tried to get rid off that dizziness but was unable to so he called out for someone to help him. Before he can do that, the darkness engulfed him before hearing a 'alpha will be so happy now'.


Taehyung doesn't know after how long his eyes fluttered open but he found himself in a large room but that kinda looked like a cell.

He shuffled around thinking how he ended up here instead of his own fluffy bed and in Jungkook's arms. This must be a dream, right, but no it wasn't because it felt too real to be a dream.

Big fat tears brimmed in his eyes as he looked around and swallowed the information that he and his little bean was kidnapped and totally in danger right now.

His omega instincts took over as his eyes turned into blue ones and he clutched his stomach in attempt to protect his pup. "Don't worry little bean, your dada will come. I know he will surely come and save us from here and kill the one who did it." He tried to reassure himself along with his pup though his blue eyes were spilling non-stop tears.

"Here you slut, eat this!" A loud voice boomed in the room before a person who look like a servant enter the room with food in his hand, if you even call it a food.

"W-where am I?" Taehyung gathered his courage and asked.

"You will know because our Alpha itself is coming to meet your pathetic existence." He spat.

"Who's your Alpha?" Taehyung visibly gulped.

"You will know when he comes." That servant smirked one last time before leaving the room.

Taehyung looked at the food and scrunched up his face in disgust so he pushed away the food away in the farthest corner of the room and turned himself into a ball, holding his knees with his hands and stuffed his face in it.

Few hours passed before the door of the room opened and in came a figure which was dark and unrecognizable due to darkness outside and the little light that was also coming wasn't reflecting on his face.

"So you are actually here now. How pleasing." Taehyung can't see his face but he was sure that there was a dirty smirk plastered on that person's face.

"And who are you?" Taehyung asked with confidence.

"Feisty, huh? I like it." The said person chuckled.

"Just tell me who you are." Taehyung's voice roared as his blue eyes tried to see the male's face but to no avail.

"I'm the Head Alpha of Night Walker Pack." The person said with confidence and some kind of  mischievousness was laced in his voice.

"N-night Walker Pack..?" Taehyung recalled the day when they were attacked and the rogue wolves said that they were sent by this very pack and his eyes widened in this thought.

"Yes omega. And my name is
Park Bogum." The man then entered the cell room and came into the view of light, showing his whole face, with a dirty smirk still on his face to Taehyung whose eyes widen.


As this book is coming to an end so will y'all want me to write a second book and in which genre.


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