Chapter 19

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Author's P.O.V

"Now, you'll keep your mouth shut and let me examine the wound." Taehyung said seriously.

"Okay queen." Jungkook was still in a playful manner and saluted Taehyung in order to piss him more.

Taehyung blankly looked at him and started examining his wound as if totally ignoring his existence.

He opened the bandage and looked at the wound that still looks so painful. He slowly removed the dirty cloth that was now needed to be replaced with a new one.

He dipped the cotton in an antiseptic and then slowly started dabbing it in the wound to hurt him less. He was doing the same as per doctor instructed before again wrapping it with a clean cloth and bandaid it.

Taehyung was hissing whenever he was dabbing the cloth on Jungkook's wound whereas he looked very calm like it doesn't hurt him even a little bit.

"It looks like you have this wound instead of me as to how your face scrunches up in pain while you are treating it." Jungkook started laughing.

Taehyung looked at him dead in his eyes and then again ignored him and started treating. He carefully finished his work and then kept all the first aid kit in its place.

"Goodnight." Taehyung greeted and was going to leave when Jungkook pulled him on the bed.

"Where you going?" He whined. Taehyung literally can't believe a trueblood is whining like a baby in front of him.

"My room duh!" Jungkook face turned into a scowl after hearing the answer. He quickly tightened his hold on Taehyung's waist and pulled him to lay down with him.

As Jungkook has wounds, he can't put Taehyung's weight on him so instead he stuffed his face into his chest while holding him as his life depended on it.

"But what for?" He spoke while peeking through his bangs into Taehyung's eyes while he almost pouted.

"Because I wanna dance." Taehyung deadpanned. Being honest, he got flustered when Jungkook stuffed his face into him and held him so tightly but maintained his tone to avoid stuttering as he can literally feel Jungkook's breath hitting on his upper chest.

"Huh?" Jungkook truly looked confused.

"Of course to go to sleep Jungkook." Taehyung sighed due to his dumb alpha.

"No~ why you wanna sleep there? You'll sleep with me here." Jungkook continued his whining while thrashing around like a kid.

Taehyung face became red by his words. "Are you serious? No Jungkook. What if someone will see us?" He remembered clearly how badly they were teased that morning.

"I don't care! I just want to sleep with you right here on this bed. Its your fault that you gave me a habit to sleep peacefully with you." Jungkook demanded with a huff.

"Excuse me? It was just a 'single' night that we slept together and how come you got a habit so fast." Taehyung narrowed his eyes downwards to look at Jungkook who was still resting his head on his chest while drawing imaginary patterns and continued his whining there.

"Anything can happen when its related with you. I don't know anymore, you'll sleep with me and thats final." Jungkook huffed and tightened his hold on him if it can get tighten anymore.

"Hey, from next week we'll sleep together, right? Its just a week till our marriage and then you can get a habit of it." Taehyung sighed and cupped Jungkook's face hoping he'll agree but oh how wrong he was of it.

Jungkook was stubborn about it and showed his sparkly doe eyes to melt Taehyung and also pouted to add a cherry on top. And doing this, he knew Taehyung can't refuse anymore because omegas heart are soft and yes it worked and he agreed.

"Okay...but! Its only for today but after that no more." Jungkook pouted but thought five nights will painfully pass but after those nights he'll get Taehyung for himself for forever so he nodded.

"Okay now sleep." Taehyung said while he kept his leg on top of Jungkook's whose legs were in between of Taehyung's slim and long legs.

He started caressing and playing with Jungkook's soft raven locks. Jungkook sighed in content. This is the thing that Jungkook loved so much last night when he slept with Taehyung so he nuzzled his face on his chest in order to tell him how much he likes it.

"You like this, don't you?" Taehyung asked with a warm smile. Jungkook hummed sending vibrations through his skin making him laugh.

"I also like sleeping on your chest because its so soft and your heartbeat and smell calms my body and helps me sleep in peace." He murmured sleepily as he's half way to his sleep due to the way Taehyung was caressing his head. Taehyung smiled but there was also a tint of blush on his cheeks due to Jungkook's words.

"Goodnight." Taehyung whispered and got a hum and nuzzle on his chest.

"Goodnight, pup." Jungkook spoke in his deep voice and kissed Taehyung's cleavage.


Good news!! My tchr had to go to his hometown for an emergency so he said that he is not gonna take any of our assignments until he return!yess! So I'll update on the respective days,yay yay! Btw next chapter is gonna be an interesting one.😁

After updating the last chp, I got 130+ reads on my story like I'm screaming cuz I thought only 2-3 ppl will only respond to my story when I first started but I was so wrong. Ily my lovelies sm.❤


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