Chapter 36

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Author's P.O.V

Jungkook was leading Taehyung in the deep forest while the sun was ready to set in the west. Taehyung was looking everywhere with his big puppy eyes to see if they reached the place or not.

Suddenly, Taehyung gasped by seeing the sight in front of him. He saw all the trees starting from a certain point was decorated in lights with white flowers of theirs scattered on the ground.

"Wow. The trees and flowers are so different and so beautiful here. Why they are not like others?" Taehyung was mesmerized by the beauty that he was seeing in front of his eyes.

"I know. I was also shock to find such a beautiful place so deep in the forest. To answer your question, I also don't know why this specific place has such a beauty though I was happy to discover it and show it to my two lovelies." Taehyung smiled at him and scrunched up his nose in adoration.

"You liked it, pup." Taehyung immediately nodded his head at Jungkook's question and quickly turned sideways to give a long smooching kiss on Jungkook's lips.

"I loved it." He whispered on his alpha's lips and smiled beautifully. Jungkook shook his head by his response and held his face and hardly kissed him on his lips.

Jungkook then bent down and picked up a white flower and tucked it in his omega's hair near the ear that made the latter really look like a queen, his queen.

"I'm glad. Now come on, I've to show you something more before it disappears." Jungkook then dragged Taehyung with him who was busy admiring the white flower on his head. The former shook his head and chuckled while thinking how his pup is so innocent like a kid yet he's carrying a pup within him.

"Close your eyes. I'll lead you." Jungkook demanded.

"Why?" Taehyung whined as they were stopped a little far from where Jungkook wanted them to reach.

"Come on. I want to show you." Jungkook also started whining, he thinks Taehyung as a kid though he too act like a kid. Taehyung sighed and then nodded.

Jungkook smiled his bunny smile and cheered by seeing Taehyung complying to his request. He then closed his eyes with one of his hand and held his belly with another hand. He made sure both Taehyung and his little bean reached the place safely.

"Open your eyes, pup." Jungkook then removed his hands from his eyes but kept holding his belly to make sure his bean feels both of his parent's presence.

Taehyung again gasped seeing such a beautiful sight again in more deeper forests

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Taehyung again gasped seeing such a beautiful sight again in more deeper forests. Here, the trees were all covered in fiery colors, red and orange decorated on trees while they swayed with pride along the wind. The sun that was disappearing in the huge lake giving it a pretty yellowish hue along with the sky that was covered in the same color.

"How did you find such pretty sights in this scary forest?" Taehyung mumbled absent-mindedly as his whole attention was on the beautiful nature.

"I find them just the way I found you." Jungkook clicked his tongue as if he said a prize deserving award for his reply. Taehyung tsked at the response because his alpha doesn't leave a chance to be cheesy.

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