Chapter 30

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Author's P.O.V

"WHAT!?" Loud noises of glass shattering could be heard as the room went completely dead silence.

"I said that Taehyung is pregnant." Jungkook repeated his words with a huge smile on his face.

Jimin, Jin and Shin Hye were just chilling out in the evening while sipping on their drinks while watching Netflix with cuddling their mates as it was a typical weekend night with Hoseok having his sprite when they were given a shock.

The three was so overwhelmed by the news and being overdramatic, they broke the glasses and ran over to Taehyung and started hugging him while congratulating both of them.

"I am so happy for both of you. I can't believe I am going to be a grandma!" Shin Hye exclaimed with a huge bunny like smile on her face, no doubt Jungkook got that from her.

"Wow! I can't believe Jungkook would be faster in this than our lazy mates." Jimin more like taunted to Yoongi with narrowed eyes.

"What? We will wait for the perfect time babe." Yoongi responded lazily making everyone to laugh.

"I wish you happiness in future Jungkook and Taehyung with your lovely pup." Jungkook's dad said happily while patting their shoulders.

"Thanks, dad." Both of the mates said happily. Jungkook's parents forced Taehyung to say them mom and dad after the marriage because Taehyung was shy to say it.

"Now come on let's have dinner and then give this new mates some alone time." Jin said cheekily.


Taehyung was laying on the bed with his shirt lifted to his chest while Jungkook was sitting by his side and caressing his flat tummy.

Taehyung felt so warm, the love that Jungkook was radiating towards him and their unborn pup in the form of his increased loving pheromones were enough to tell him.

"My little bean." Jungkook kissed Taehyung's tummy.

"And my little pup." Then Jungkook kissed Taehyung's lips.

"Can you feel it, Tae?" Jungkook asked expectantly while caressing and kissing the omega's tummy.

"Of course not Kookie. It is just two weeks. I might feel it around three months." He explained while massaging Jungkook's scalp with his left hand and kept his right hand on his chest as his alpha was nuzzling his face in his tummy.

"Hey pup. Dada is here. Its just been few hours till I knew that you are growing in your momma's tummy but I can't wait to meet you." The alpha lovingly gazed at Taehyung's tummy.

"Tell momma to bring you out fast." Jungkook huffed out like a child that made Taehyung break into fits of laughter.

"Oh Kookie! I can't believe you." Taehyung said in between his laughter. Jungkook also smiled a little due to his stupid words and laid down in bed with Taehyung on his chest.

Jungkook was still caressing his omega's tummy while both of them were inhaling each others intoxicating scent that is enough to make them crazy.

"Your scent became so sweeter. I can't believe that I didn't notice this change." Jungkook was sniffing taehyung's hair while his eyes were closed.

"Really?" Taehyung asked softly as he was going to be in the dreamland while inhaling his alpha's manly and protective scent that he thinks became more addictive because of his pregnancy.

"Yeah. I actually notice this last week but I didn't pay much attention to it as I thought I am always addictive to your sweet scent so my brain might be pulling a trick on me." The alpha said while a soft smile was still plastered on his face since afternoon when he got to know the good news.

"I want to ask you something. Actually I wanted to ask you this from a while now, pup." Jungkook opened his eyes while he looked at his omega who removed his head from his chest and looked up at him. Taehyung hummed in response.

"What?" Taehyung cutely rubbed his eyes.

"I-urm...why did you pushed me away and hated me so much from the start without knowing me and you know.. that-that night when we got lost in a moment of heat for a while but then you threw the fact that you are being forced with me?" The big alpha sadly said as his eyes were showing his true emotions which made Taehyung really sad about what he did in past.

" its-its because of my past." The omega replied nervously as he bit on his lower lip.

"I'm here to listen to you but if you want time to open it up then its okay." Jungkook tried to give a reassuring smile but sadness was still evident in his eyes.

"No. Today I want to tell you everything. Everything that's related to my past and why I treated you like that though I shouldn't have because I regrets it too much." Taehyung cupped one of Jungkook's cheek with his right hand.

"Okay, so let's start from the very beginning when I started hating your ranks." Jungkook was totally concentrated at him while Taehyung bit his lips because of again remembering those horrible past that he wanted to bury deep in his mind.


"Bye mom, I'm going to school." Taehyung cheered happily while he kissed his mom's cheek and ran out of his house.

At this time, Taehyung was in his sophomore year and was going to promote in his junior year. He was very happy today like usual as he was going to meet his boyfriend in school.

He reached school and was going to his class when he was startled by two arms wrapping in his waist. He quickly turned around and saw his boyfriend, Park MinJoon back hugging him so his shy smile crept on his face by this.

"Hey Taehyung." MinJoon greeted him and was going to kiss him on his cheek but Taehyung stopped him.

"Not here." Taehyung said softly.

"Oh come on Taehyung, you don't even let me kiss you even after our five months relationship like when the fuck you are going to get comfortable with me. Now when I am even kissing you on the cheeks to let everyone know who the fuck you belong and who's gonna be your future alpha, you can't even let me do that!" MinJoon shouted loudly in the hallway where everyone started staring at them and started murmuring and gossiping about them.

It isn't new for Taehyung, actually its like everyday where his boyfriend insult him in public places without even thinking but he kept satisfying himself by telling that he loves him.

Taehyung can't help but feels uncomfortable with him becoming too touchy or intimate so he just allowed him to kiss him on his cheek and hold his hands.

His boyfriend always becomes angry about not letting him touch and saying that he is 'his future alpha' so he has every right but Taehyung can't help but feel a bit sick about his smell when he's angry.

He tries to have more skinship with MinJoon but he always try to dominate him too much and wants to pull into something he isn't ready which makes him stop from even taking first step.

MinJoon shouted at him and jerked him away before leaving the hallway. The way he held his waist so tightly when he got so angry that it was burning and surely left marks as he was an alpha and Taehyung was an omega.

Everyone started saying 'He ain't even deserving for MinJoon' 'I don't understand why MinJoon is even with an ugly omega like him' 'I hope he breaks up with that shitty thing' 'I think I should approach him as I am always ready to get laid by him' and many more. Taehyung was unable to hear any more thoughts as it was getting too much today that he ran away from there.

He sobbed loudly and kept his hand on his mouth while tears were continuously streaming down his cheeks. He didn't attend any classes that day and went to a park to let out all his tears he felt because of the insulting words that he received from non other than his boyfriend.


I literally can't find a good book to read! Please suggest some to me. I like all genres tho werewolf and omegaverse are my favorite.


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