Chapter 20

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Author's P.O.V

There was chaos going around in the Dark Moon Pack right now because tomorrow is the grand wedding of their Head Alpha with their future Luna.

Shin Hye was the most excited one and was taking care of all the decorations while Jin and Jimin was taking care of the catering and made their mates along with Hoseok to look out for guests invitation, venue checking and overall completion of work.

Taehyung was sent to another house in the pack along with his parents who arrived yesterday for Taehyung's marriage and also because Shin Hye wanted both of the future mates to directly see each other on the day of marriage.

You won't believe how much Jungkook whined for this decision but of course in private when he was alone with Taehyung.

Taehyung had to calm him like a kid and had a lot of explanation and bargain to do with him. How we give chocolates to kids in order to tame them, that's exactly what Taehyung had to do to with Jungkook but instead of chocolates, it was 10 kisses and Jungkook made a whole make out session in the last one.

For this, Taehyung complained about his sore lips to Jungkook for which he got a nasty reply saying 'I'll not guarantee what more can be sore after wedding. And it will be ten times more because my wolf will go crazy by not seeing you a whole day.'

Now back to present where Jungkook was in his room and checking out some files because he's gonna take few days off from his work because he want to spend time with his cute pup after marriage.

On the other hand, Taehyung was catching up with his parents health.
"I am so nervous for tomorrow, mom. What if something gets wrong and Jungkook doesn't wanna marry me? What if I trip walking in the aisle dad? Oh my God that will be so embarrassing, oh no no no don't think like that Taehyung, stay positive, yea positive but 'what ifs' becomes true. Oh no! What-"

"Shut up Tae bear." His mom stopped his ramblings by putting her finger on his lips. "Everything will be fine, trust us." She said softly.

"I can't believe my son grew so big that he's getting married and will soon give us grandchildren." His father said to lighten the mood while patting his son's shoulder and laughed.

Taehyung started whining by hearing the tease. "You'll don't start with that now."

"What? Ain't we correct? And I guess you too want little babies of yours as you love children so much." His mother said sweetly making him blush because she was correct so he nodded.

"Yes, just like that, think all positive things that will happen after your marriage and how you will start a beautiful phase of your life with Jungkook." His father explained to him as he remembered his past where he got married with his wife and had little Taehyung, he can't forget those precious and beautiful moments of his life.

Taehyung nodded and then went to bed a bit early as tomorrow is a very big day for him and Jungkook both. He smiled dreamily and let sleep take over him.

Jungkook was also laying on bed thinking about tomorrow that how he and Taehyung will get married. He turned on his side and saw the empty space beside himself on the bed and smiled thinking how it will be filled with his lovely pup tomorrow.


Yes, this was the day, the day Jungkook and Taehyung both awaited the most after their confession, their wedding day.

Jungkook was with his mom and dad in the other room as his room was getting decorated for the wedding night while Taehyung was getting dressed up and makeover by Jin, Jimin and his mom while his dad was looking at him as a proud dad.

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