Chapter 32

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Author's P.O.V

Its been a week since the incident that happened with Taehyung. He did not see MinJoon in school or anywhere after that and he was very thankful for it as he was still traumatized by that though he is his boyfriend so he felt a little lost about what he was feeling.

His parents know about everything what happened as when Taehyung returned that night, his parents were already waiting for him in the couch.

By seeing his condition, they quickly pulled him in a hug and let him let out all the tears that he wanted. They consoled him and waited for him to tell everything.

Taehyung's cry soon turned into sniffles and he explained everything about what happened. He also accepted that he lied to his mom and regret it.

His parents told him to stay away from MinJoon as he will only bring bad news and is danger to him but Taehyung being a whipped one thought that there isn't any harm giving a second chance to MinJoon and maybe he has a reason to why he did that.

Today a new week again started, it was Monday and Taehyung was going through corridors towards his class but something made him halt in his steps and his eyes to go wide.

Many students were passing by in the corridor but Taehyung's eyes was stuck on a certain something or precisely certain someone.

He saw MinJoon making out with a girl named Linda in the corner of the corridor. Linda was like a whore of the school as she's seen with a different guy every week.

Taehyung witnessed how MinJoon grabbed her butt and pulled her towards him while both of them were engrossed in the French kiss.

Tears threatened to come out of his eyes and in that very moment, he made eye contact with MinJoon.

By seeing Taehyung, MinJoon stopped his make out session and smirked at him. He held the girl towards himself by her waist and started coming towards Taehyung.

MinJoon was a little distance away from Taehyung and smirked at him while Linda looked disgustedly at him and then kept her hands on MinJoon's chest and then her facial expressions turned into a smug one as she faced Taehyung.

"Listen up everyone." MinJoon suddenly shouted that caught everyone's attention towards him.

"Meet my girlfriend, Linda." He kissed her in front of everyone and everyone started cheering for them.

But they were whispers going on about 'Taehyung and MinJoon being together' or 'Linda is literally better from that ugly omega' or 'MinJoon deserved best and Taehyung on the other hand was worst so its best that they broke up'. Everyone stopped whispering and murmuring in between themselves when MinJoon again opened his mouth to speak. 

"I guess everyone is confused over here so let me clear it out, yeah? So here is my pretty girlfriend Linda and here is an ugly omega named Taehyung. I was just messing around with him people and do you all really think that I, a powerful alpha will seriously like this slut." MinJoon disgustedly described Taehyung and that was the last straw that made Taehyung burst out in tears in front of every students present there who was recording and murmuring about him though no one initiated to help him or stop all this.

"Mi-MinJoon what-what are you saying? You are my-my boyfriend." Taehyung hiccupped and tried his best to form sentence but failed badly as his cries formed a lump in his throat that blocked him to speak properly. 

"Shut up you slut! How dare you call my boyfriend as yours." Linda butted in the conversation and made a fake pout and teary eyes in front of everyone to gain sympathy. And the fact that everyone really felt sympathize towards her but no one cared about Taehyung who was looking with big betrayed eyes with tears rolling down his cheeks though the betrayal in his eyes was only for MinJoon.

"Mi-MinJoon listen t-to me-" Taehyung came forward in order to hold MinJoon's hand and explain to him though there was nothing for him to explain because he was the victim here and he should be the one asking for explanation. 

Taehyung wasn't able to complete his sentence as a sound of slap resonated in the whole corridor. To say Taehyung was left shock on the right spot would be an understatement as MinJoon slapped him right on his left cheek.

"Stay away from me whore. Omegas like you are nothing but a whore and wants to get laid every night by alphas." He raised his voice and Linda smirked by this.

"Do you guys wanna know how I got this wound on my head?" He nodded his head of what was coming next and smirked. Though Taehyung on the other hand was oblivious thinking why he was exposing himself.

"This slut, yes this slut Taehyung came to my house and forced me to have sex with him. As he knew that I'm alone at my house, he took the chance. However I declined him. He was enraged about the fact that I rejected him and hit me with a night stand that was in my house. I cried in pain and asked him to stop though he didn't and after hitting me, he just left my house for me to die there. Though I really thanks Linda for that night because if she haven't come on time and took me to a hospital, I would have seriously died." Everyone was recording and it was sure to be posted on the Internet while Taehyung just silently cried while looking down and took every false words that was thrown at him.

"Why-why are you doing this to me?" Taehyung spoke in a low voice but the person to whom it was directed, he heard him very well.

"I'm not doing anything Taehyung. This is the reality, the only thing omegas knows is whoring around and getting stuffed with alpha's cock and nothing else." MinJoon spoke with anger and hatred that was dripping from his voice.

MinJoon saw a guy holding his milkshake while recording them so he took the milkshake from him and threw it on top of Taehyung's head after speaking the so called truth about omegas according to him.

Taehyung was dripping with milkshake from his top to bottom as he wide eyed stared at MinJoon. To say he was angry would be wrong because right now Taehyung is heartbroken because even though he didn't show any skinship with MinJoon in pubic, he really loved him.

But Taehyung's heart was broken and his trust was shattered that day by the one he thought he loved, the one he thought he will spend his rest of the life, the one who termed himself as his alpha, his MinJoon who wasn't even his anymore as he clearly made clear to him, and not only him but in front of every students in the school.

This was the day his hatred for alpha kinds settled in his heart and also hatred for his own kind too because he started degrading himself as omega from that day onwards.


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