Chapter 33

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Author's P.O.V

To say Taehyung's life became worse from that day would be an understatement. He was picked on by MinJoon and the other kids on a daily basis.

Right now, Taehyung was going towards cafeteria with his head hung low. His head was down because he knows if he looks towards any students, there will be hatred and disgust thrown at him just by their eyes or some may also say it in front of everyone and make fun of him.

Taehyung isn't ready for all those things so he was making his way to the cafeteria quietly.

When he reached the cafeteria, he brought a sandwich that he wanted to eat and was making his way out towards the back of the school where no one visits and he can eat peacefully.

His fate looks like was again not on his side. He was passing the middle of the cafeteria when he abruptly got stopped by MinJoon.

"Where are you going whore? To suck someone's dick?" He asked with an eyebrow raised while there was a dirty smirk with his side teeth on shown making him look psychopath.

"Why are you doing this with me? You wanted to break up with me so you did, now what else you want?" Taehyung was able to voice out but a sniffle was followed after that because of the degradation that he has to endure everyday.

"Oh, trust me. You don't know how badly I want to embarrass and insult you in front of everyone. This is just a start whore." MinJoon spoke in a hushed tone so that only Taehyung can hear him.

Taehyung visibly gulped from the threat and was wide eyed thinking about the possibility of what yet has to come.

Taehyung was busy in his thoughts so MinJoon smirked and threw the whole cup of ramen that was his lunch on Taehyung's shirt that also went to his face and pants.

Taehyung cried due to the burning sensation that he can feel in his chest because of the hot ramen. His face also got stained because of this and his pants also had ramen slid down from his shirt to the bottom.

Taehyung started crying and wailing loudly on the exact spot without thinking of anyone present there or anyone recording it just like the last time who also without any doubt uploaded it on Internet with a title 'School's whore. Always ready to be laid.'

Everyone laughed and looked away but not a single soul helped him just like last time or everytime he's being picked on.

Taehyung ran away with no certain destination in his mind. He ended in the men's restroom and as soon as he entered, he slid down near the door and cried his heart out.

He cursed on his fate. He cursed on himself for being together with MinJoon. He cursed alphas but mostly cursed at himself for being born as a weak and useless omega.

He thought if things might have been different if he was an alpha because they are superior than omegas and also not termed as slut or whore.

This thoughts were going on his mind while his bottom lip was badly wobbling while tears were continuously streaming down his cheeks though he was roughly wiping every drop of them but everytime he did, there were new set of tears sliding down again.

He was thinking of ending himself. He didn't see any future of him living as an omega. His pride is stained right now and will also continued to be stained in future as who knows his future alpha also might make him as his slave and pup-maker like any other alpha.

He smiled thinking maybe, just maybe if he die and gets reborn as an alpha will be so much better. His smile was then wiped off as soon as it came thinking about his parents. His smile turned into loud screams and cry as he can't take the pain anymore. The whole restroom was being resonated by his cries.

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