Chapter 23

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Author's P.O.V

They came down or well Jungkook carried Taehyung down for breakfast as he was unable to walk anymore. Jimin and Jin was showing their creepy smile throughout the breakfast to both the newly mated couples.

They all ate breakfast and as Jungkook took some days off from work to spend his time with Taehyung, he was right now cuddling with Taehyung on the bed.

"Umm kook?" Taehyung asked hesitantly.

"Yes pup?" Jungkook replied while caressing Taehyung's head as it was on his chest.

"I-um-am feeling a lot of pain down there." Taehyung was nervous as to why he was feeling pain down there so much.

"O-oh. Its okay Tae. Wait a minute here, I'll soothe your pain." Jungkook said and left the bed to go into the medical cabin that was inside the bathroom after laying Taehyung down gently on the bed.

He rummaged through things and at last found what he was searching. He happily took that and returned to Taehyung with an assuring smile.

He poured water in the glass that was on the nightstand and passed it to Taehyung. "Here, take this." Jungkook gave the pills and water to him.

"What's this!?" Taehyung shouted a bit loudly than he intended because his mind just wander to something else.

"This is painkillers, pup, relax." Taehyung slowly nodded and mentally sighed at himself for thinking something weird that Jungkook can never give to him.

He slowly gulped down the pill with water. Jungkook kept the glass back on the nightstand and then went down to the living room leaving Taehyung looking at him with confused eyes.

Jungkook opened the door of their room after few minutes and in came with something in his hand. He went to the bathroom again and brought a waste cloth with him.

Taehyung noticed that he was carrying an ice tray. He came near to the little omega and took some of the ice cubes out and wrapped it in the waste cloth.

"What's that for?" He asked as his eyes were quite big in confusion making him look like a little puppy.

"This is ice to soothe your pain down there. Though we were careful and slow, I guess your vagina might be swollen as it was your first time." Though jungkook was talking in a serious and concern tone, it still made Taehyung's cheeks a cherry color.

Jungkook came in between Taehyung's parted legs with the ice in the cloth in his hands as he bent and lifted the dress till Taehyung's tummy.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Taehyung panicked as he was still embarrassed.

"Just gonna help you with the pain and don't shy out now, when you know we have totally seen each other naked." Taehyung was red but still nodded slowly.

Jungkook slowly brought his hand and pulled the panty down that the omega was wearing making him squirm due to cold air touching his private.

"Shh. Calm down. Just relax and let me help you, pup." Jungkook rubbed his thighs in order to assure him.

Jungkook then looked down and touched the outer area of the omega's opening with his forefinger and saw that his down was really swollen. He then kept the ice cubes wrapped in the cloth at the exact spot where it was swollen and painful for his pup.

As he kept the ice on the spot, Taehyung sighed due to coldness and felt weird relaxation in his body. "It feels good, kookie." Jungkook smiled as he was happy helping his omega.

Jungkook pulled his undergarment up as much as it can due to the ice blocking the way so that it can keep ice in the place and then lowered his dress that covered till his mid thighs.

Taehyung then made grabby hands towards Jungkook to cuddle him and who's Jungkook to say no to his little omega. Taehyung was very content due to skin ship that he was having and intentionally rubbed himself on his alpha to rub his smell on him.

Due to the mark, he reeks of jungkook's scent faintly yet people can get the alpha's scent on him and Taehyung wanted Jungkook to also smell like him. He don't know from where he got this possessive over his alpha but yet he's here and rubbing his smell all over Jungkook.

"Getting possessive, huh?" Jungkook teased with a smirk and got a very cute look from Taehyung

"Yes. Any problem. I am just getting possessive over what's mine." Taehyung looked at him with big eyes and a pout on his natural red lips as he spoke with possessiveness but had a baby look.

Jungkook laughed due to his pup words and tightened his hold on him as he nuzzled into his hair.

"Do you wanna go somewhere? I am totally free in the upcoming days as I did all my work before our marriage so I can spend my time with my lovely omega." Taehyung was looking at him as he was speaking so Jungkook started nuzzling in his nose as he explained his day off from work.

"Of course I wanna go but..." He trailed off and looked down.

"Don't worry, we'll not go today. We'll go tomorrow when you are all good to walk." Jungkook got the hint what his pup was saying, he booped his nose.

Taehyung smiled by this but then falter "And who is the cause of me losing my walking capability." He raised his eyebrows trying to look intimidating but instead looked like a cute little puppy in Jungkook's eyes.

Jungkook just smiled and kissed Taehyung lazily and then laid down comfortably on the bed with his pup.

"I-I um.. I want to keep my head on your chest." Jungkook whined as he made Taehyung face him who was going to drift off in sleep on jungkook's build up arms and chest.

"Huh?" Taehyung opened his eyes to see a cute little pout on his alpha's face and cooed.

"Aww, come here my big alpha baby." He opened his arms for his alpha to keep his head where he wanted.

Jungkook smiled his bunny smile and then quickly went down a little bit to reach the height of Taehyung's chest and kept his head on his most favorite place.

"Soft as always. Your tummy and chest are the softest though your whole body is baby-like." He sighed happily and nuzzled his face in his chest.

"You have an  unhealthy obsession over my chest." Taehyung giggled as the alpha's hair was being ticklish on his skin. He yelped suddenly when he felt a warm thing gliding up and down his skin.

"What are you doing, dummy?" He looked down to see Jungkook licking his cleavage that was displayed through the dress.

"You know how I love your intoxicating scent, right?" Taehyung nodded not understanding what this has to relate with his licking.

"And you know, that your chest smells the most of your scent. Like its the source of your smell. The scent of yours just get ten times more right in this spot that makes me wanna nuzzle and lick all over." He said cutely while his lips became pouted as he rested his face on the other's chest.

"Don't you give me that excuse. I know this is all your lies to hide your crazy obsession over my chest." Taehyung huffed. Jungkook just laughed and again laid on his relaxing place.

"Rest now, pup. The pain will go away this way." Jungkook murmured out as he too relaxed in his omega's arms and drifted off to sleep.


Did y'all watched BTS concert SOWOZOO by paying or illegal streaming?? Though whatever it was, the concert was truly amazing.


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