Chapter 46

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Author's P.O.V

Jungkook and the rest didn't expect to see the thing that they saw while they broke into the pack house. They all imagined many things that can be the worst of worst but they were greeted by a girl who was sitting on the couch nervously.

"Who are you?" Yoongi's deep growl boomed in the empty dark pack house.

"I guess introduction can wait but saving Taehyung right now can't so follow me fast." The girl sassed out.

"But how can we trust you?" Hoseok interrupted but his eyes widen the moment his eyes meant with the girl and the same goes for her.

"You can trust me just the way Taehyung did." She murmured out.

"Okay. Lead us." Jungkook was firm and commanding and everyone's mouth was zip as to right now, the Head Alpha has given an order not their friend.

Jungkook knows right now he has no choice rather than following her to find Taehyung and he's sure that if the girl had lied then its her last day today on Earth. The girl quickly nodded and instructed them to follow her.

They followed her for God knows how many minutes but soon came face to face with a house that looked more or less small for one or two people.

"I'm damn sure that Taehyung is here so what are you waiting for, go and break the door Alpha like a main hero does everytime to save her girl." The girl did some punching styles while Jungkook look at her like she's looking at a mental patient.

But Jungkook wasted no time and broke open the door followed by his brother and friends and the girl. He swore his not only blood but his bones even started boiling by seeing the scene that was unfolded in front of him.

Jungkook saw red and his instinct was to kill everyone that is near his mate but his eyes instantly turned to brown when he looked at his mate who's looking so lifeless at the ground with a disgusting leech on top of him.

A loud and dangerous growl erupted from the throat of Jungkook's as he jumped and disconnected MinJoon from Taehyung. Without wasting any time, Jungkook started throwing punches and kicks at him. He clawed MinJoon's neck with his long black nails that came into view with his long teeth as his wolf was taking over.

"How dare you hurt my mate?" Dangerous voice was bombed as Jungkook clutched the sick alpha's hair and threw him at the wall.

"Jungkook! You should take Taehyung to the hospital right now and we will take care of this bastard who's not even worth your kill." Yoongi spoke out the words which ringed clearly in Jungkook's ears as his mate was also mentioned it.

Jungkook quickly turned his head towards his mate and felt like crying. His mate was there lifeless with blood covering his body so he nodded his head acknowledging what Yoongi said and ran out of the house with Taehyung in his arms.

The girl followed Jungkook out with the same rush and stopped him. "Wait Alpha, that way is longer to reach the hospital. I know a way where we can reach their much much faster and you can believe me on this as well." She added the last sentence by seeing the unsure face of Jungkook.

Jungkook gulped and nodded. The girl was quick to run to the place. Both of them were turned into their wolves form to reach Jungkook's pack hospital faster. Taehyung was clutched securely in Jungkook's teeth as its impossible for him to be at his back at this uncondition.

They both reach their at no time. They quickly shifted back into their human form and changd themselves into their clothes that they tied in their legs though Jungkook only worn his jeans and rushed into the hospital with Taehyung.

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