Chapter 29

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Author's P.O.V

Both of the mates were sleeping and it was four in the afternoon. Their rut and heat ended yesterday and they are sleeping for almost a whole day.

Their fucking session ended after whole six days and Taehyung literally passed out in the middle of the last round.

Jungkook woke up first and stretched a bit to ease his muscles. He looked at the clock and expected them to sleep this long. He looked down to see his beautiful omega sleeping on his chest with cheeks puffed out and lips parted.

He can't even imagine how much tired Taehyung might be. If he feels tired this much then Taehyung might be feeling it tenfolds.

Jungkook kissed his forehead lovingly and caressed his hips to his ass trying to soothe the pain and ease his muscles. Taehyung stirred in his sleep and opened his eyes to see his handsome as ever alpha looking at him.

"Morning, pup. Did I wake you up?" Jungkook asked feeling bad that he woke up the tired omega.

"No. I am out of sleep so I woke up on my own." Taehyung mumbled into his chest with a rough voice because of his constant screaming and moaning these past days.

"Wanna bath? We are too dirty." Jungkook said while scrunching his nose showing how much he's feeling icky.

"Yes but you are gonna carry me. You have put me in this state so from today onwards you are gonna be my slave." Taehyung was looking proudly at Jungkook like he's a king and the alpha was his slave while saying this to him.

"As you wish my highness." Jungkook pecked his lips and lifted him off the bed, taking him to the bathroom to wash themselves.


Its been a month now till they experienced their rut and heat and now Taehyung was perfectly fine to walk around.

It was morning and sun was shining in its all might but Jungkook wasn't liking it a single bit so he stuffed his face more into Taehyung's neck.

Jungkook again went into his deep sleep but jolted awake when Taehyung pushed him and ran into the bathroom. Jungkook became worried sick about his omega's health and followed him suit.

He saw Taehyung puking out everything he ate last night and rubbed his back to soothe him. After he was done, he brushed his teeth and rinsed his mouth.

Taehyung pouted towards Jungkook and went into his embrace. Jungkook hold him tightly and rubbed his back. He picked him up from his thighs and then again went to sit on bed with his omega on his lap.

"Pup? Are you sure you are fine?" Jungkook asked worriedly while rubbing his back continuously.

"Yes Kookie I am fine." Taehyung said softly although he was not feeling good from inside.

"But its going on from three days now. You are always vomiting out everything you eat. I am feeling too worried for you and your health and I'm going to take you to the pack doctor." Jungkook said determined.

Taehyung was going to protest but shut his mouth because he thinks that getting a checkup is better because he too don't know what is happening with him out of nowhere.

"I'll make an appointment at three p.m. Be ready, I'll come and pick you up after I finish a meeting in my office, hm?" Jungkook lifted Taehyung's face from his chest and looked at him.

Taehyung nodded but a pout was still not leaving his face so Jungkook kissed it away. "Don't worry, everything will be fine." He kissed him deeply to assure him.


Taehyung was getting ready now. He worn a normal shirt and jeans and was now waiting for Jungkook to come and pick him up.

They reached the clinic in no time and was sitting outside as the doctor was checking on patient at that moment.

The nurse came outside and bowed in front of them. "Alpha and Luna, the doctor ask you to come in." Jungkook nodded and held Taehyung's waist as he can see how nervous he is.

The doctor greeted them and asked Taehyung to lay down. She introduced herself as Lisa and was very friendly which made Taehyung to loosen up a little.

"Luna, please relax and tell me what is happening with you." She smiled warmly to him.

"I-I am actually puking everything that I eat and I also feel nauseous time to time." He said softly and Jungkook was quick to hold his hands.

"Umm... I guess what it is about. But ask my one more question, yeah?" She said softly and Taehyung nodded.

"Did you had your period this month, Luna?" Taehyung's face cheeks flushed red.

"I- no. My date was of last week but it didn't happened." He said a little bit embarrassed and his hold on Jungkook's hand tightens.

"Okay then, let me just have a check of what I assume and then I'll tell you." Lisa said.

She lifted Taehyung's shirt for checkup and put a very cold gel on his stomach but she first warned him about the coldness of the gel.

Then she started seeing something on the screen with full concentration while both of the mates was very nervous. They were both looking at each other when Lisa suddenly squealed like a kid.

"W-what happen? Jungkook stuttered a bit as his heart was thumping heavily in his chest and Taehyung's eyes filled with tears.

"Congratulations. Luna, you are pregnant. You both are gonna be parents." The tears that was held in Taehyung's eyes started streaming down like a river while Jungkook's eyes also moistens but a wide smile got plastered on his face.

"I am so happy, pup." Jungkook wasted no time but kissed Taehyung right on the spot as he was so overwhelmed.

"Me too. I can't believe this." Taehyung nodded furiously to this while his face totally red.

Lisa smiled and gave them to have their little moment before coughing a little bit to catch their attention. They both looked at the doctor and smiled a bit sheepishly as they forgot about the doctor.

"So I guess you'll want to see your pup so look at this spot in the screen, this is your little pup. Luna is two weeks pregnant now so having morning sickness, nausea is normal and maybe with further pregnancy, you'll have mood swings too, some have light but some have too much and its totally depend on the person." She explained softly and both mates can't stop their smiles.

"Do you want the picture of the ultrasound?" Lisa questioned.

"Yes, please." Taehyung said softly as he was unable to speak right now.

"I want Luna to come and have checkup every two weeks so that I can keep up with the health of both Luna and yours future pup." She said while her smile was not going from her face.

Both the mates nodded at this. Lisa then removed the gel from his stomach with a towel and handed them their first ultrasound of their first future pup.

Both of them left the clinic with a happy smile. Jungkook's hand was protectively over his omega's waist while taehyung's hand was on his stomach as he became protective the moment he heard the news and wants to keep their pup safe. They can't wait to crack such a beautiful news to everyone.


I'm sorry that I can't bring out the emotions clearly in the chapter but I am being very busy these days and tries to write the chapter whenever I'm getting a free time.


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