Chapter 38

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Author's P.O.V

"I'm sorry. I didn't wanted this day to go like this." Jungkook said softly as he protectively hugged Taehyung close in his arms.

Currently, they were in their room where Jungkook wasn't letting Taehyung to leave his embrace even just for a second.

The ravenette came back holding Taehyung in his arms from his thigh as the latter clung to him like a koala and explained everyone what happened and how he wants Taehyung to rest so he left the living room without letting anyone to speak.

Everyone was terrified hearing this because no one knows what could've happened to Taehyung and even his pup if Jungkook didn't reach that place on time.

Jungkook kept whispering soothing words to Taehyung throughout the night while covering him whole in his arms all night. To say, Jungkook was being over protective after that incident will be an understatement.

The next morning, Jungkook came downstairs in the living room for breakfast with Taehyung again in his arms.

"Come on Kook, now let him down. Taehyung is safe here." Namjoon sighed seeing how Jungkook is glued to Taehyung and not letting the boy have his own space.

Jungkook growled in response. His eyes suddenly changed its color, his wolf haven't yet calm down from yesterday's event and was still overprotective towards his omega. Jungkook's wolf was very, very protective, of his omega right now and moreover he was also pregnant making his protectiveness more intense than it is.

Jungkook carefully put Taehyung on the chair and instantly sat beside him. He passed all the food to Taehyung so that he doesn't have to move a bit and also even stared feeding him, totally forgetting about himself who also needs breakfast to live on.

Then Taehyung wanted to atleast move by himself so he stubbornly went to keep his dishes in the sink but as you know no matter how much you try to avoid things, the one which is written to happen will happen so that's exactly what happened right now.

Everybody was almost done with breakfast so they were also putting away their dishes in the sink. But because of Namjoon's clumsiness, he got tripped on the floor mat making him trip and the plate to break into pieces but also pushing Jimin during the process who directly collided with Taehyung and hitting him in his stomach with the back of his elbow.

Taehyung stumbled back few steps and gasped while clutching his big and growing tummy with his hands out of protectiveness and sudden pain that he felt due to colliding with Jimin.

No one, literally no one wanted to see Jungkook's reaction right now because they very well know that he might look deadly right now seeing how protective he was of Taehyung after the forest incident. 

"Namjoon." Orion growled. Jungkook was in his human form but his wolf took over the instant he saw the scene unfolds in front of him. Everyone backed away from him after hearing his voice and also praying to Moon Goddess that Namjoon can make out from Jungkook's wrath.

Jungkook was near Taehyung holding him up and making him sit on the chair. "Are you fine, my little omega?" Taehyung nodded his head in response as he was scared, he was scared thinking what if he fell on the floor or what if, no he shook away the bad thoughts away and quickly hugged Jungkook.

Jungkook need not to be told twice for hugging him. He quickly brought his omega into his tight embrace while caressing his tummy.

"Our-our bean is fine, right?" Taehyung stuttered out, feeling scared that that the push might affect it.

"Its fine but don't worry, today we'll go for checkup so we can confirm it, hm?" He said softly making everyone around them go in a shocking state seeing their trueblood alpha talking like this. Taehyung nodded in response.

Jungkook then retracted from the hug and directly looked at Namjoon deadly in his eyes. "And what the fuck you were thinking when you pushed my precious omega who is pregnant." His voice was cold, no doubt of Orion being controlled because right now any alpha would've reacted like that and let's not forget we are talking about trueblood right now.

Jungkook attacked Namjoon making everyone around them gasp. He pinned down Namjoon on the floor while his nails were digging in his neck. "Jungkook-Jungkook don't!" Taehyung shouted.

Taehyung's shouting was to no avail as Jungkook didn't even care to listen. He was busy killing his brother by choking him as his wolf considered him a harm for his pregnant omega.

"Jungkook, I'm hurt. My stomach hurts." Taehyung shouted out of the blue but that surely made a certain trueblood halt in his steps.

"Are you fine? Where is it hurting? Shall we go to the doctor?" Jungkook instantly left Namjoon and went towards his omega as he started rambling about so Taehyung gently pressed his lips on his to make him shut his mouth.

"I'm fine. Namjoon hyung didn't hurt me. It was a mistake. Everything is alright." Taehyung whispered softly to calm his raging alpha. And that totally worked because Orion gave back the control to Jungkook again.

As soon as Jungkook got control, he hugged the daylight out of Taehyung though keeping precautions with his omega's stomach. He then slowly deattached him from the hug and guiltily turned around towards his brother and bit his lip.

"I'm really sorry hyung. I know my wolf went out of limits, didn't he?" Jungkook mumbled slowly while looking at his hyung who he, no his wolf tried to kill because of assuming him as a threat.

"Oh he surely crossed limits." Namjoon said with a poker face but then soon smiled his infamous dimple smile.

"But its fine because I understand it was normal for your wolf to react like that seeing how glued you were to Taehyung and trying to protect him even from flies." Jungkook mumbled something under his breath from the flies thing but then gave a small smile and a little nod towards Namjoon.

Their chaotic breakfast soon came to an end. Jungkook was going to his office for some work but not forgetting to give huge amount of lectures to his poor omega about safety and all.

"Last but not the least, today we'll go to Lisa for checkup at three. It isn't the time of weekly checkup but I want to see our little bean so we will go." Taehyung laughed by his attempt of lying when he clearly knows that Jungkook wants to make sure about their pup after the morning incident and he too want to see it so he agreed.

"Okay our little bean, now dada is going for work so keep you and your momma safe." Jungkook gave multiple kisses to his omega's tummy while feeling little hands and legs movement where he was kissing.

Taehyung's heart fluttered from the scene and a wide smile was spread on his face. "Okay now go. We both will be fine." Taehyung said and kissed Jungkook before bidding him goodbye.


I am not going to update for few upcoming weeks now as I've my exams coming. I hope to meet y'all soon sweets.


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