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"Ho-how you like that? You gon' like that, that-that-that-that, that-that-that-that How you like that? (Bada-bing, bada-boom-boom-boom) How you like that, that-that-that-that, that-that-that-that?!" I sang while getting dressed for my dinner date with my boyfriend San.

Sunhee stared at me like I was crazy I just laughed.

" Hey, can you turn down your voice you sound like a dying cat!" Ni-ki yelled from his room

Just for that, I started singing louder.

" Ugh we're leaving," Ni-ki said, he had his friends over

" Byyyyeeee," I said in a teasing tone

"Dayum I look good," I said flicking my hair

"Dayum I look good," I said flicking my hair

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" Haha sure" Sunhee giggled

" I gotta go now, my mom promised to take me shopping" Sunhee sighed

" Awww, K bye love youuuuu " I gave her a hug and she left

~ Time skip

"Rainism your rainism" I sang in the car while pulling up to Sans apartment

I walked up the stairs to his place and saw a girl walking out from his floor

Wah she's pretty

She walked past m and I noticed that she smelt faintly of Sans perfume

 Huh weird, ah whatever it's a popular brand

 I knocked on his door and he opened it.

My face lit up as soon as I saw him 

" Babbbeee" I wrapped my arms around him

" Hey " He hugged me back and pulled away, I surveyed him from head to toe

Waah he's so handsome

Then my eyes caught something on his neck

 What is that? Is that a lipstick mark? Did I wear lipstick today? Wait I never wear lipstick!

 " What is that?" I said pointing at his neck

He adjusted his shirt to try and cover the mark but I had already seen it

"Oh nothing" He answered nervously

" I said what is that?" I was starting to get really mad

At that moment the girl I had seen before came on the floor looking at her phone

"Hey babe sorry I just forgot my purse and need to get it " Then she finally looked up and saw me

"Oh hi," She said with a smile

" Who's she?" She asked looking at San

He just looked down not knowing what to do

" His girlfriend, dumb bitch" I said with a glare

"Oh haha, seriously her?" She said pointing at me disgusted

" Excuse me?" I said insulted

"Sorry let me introduce myself. My name is Hana Young and I'm Sans girlfriend" She said with a grin

"Ara let me explain myself" San finally spoke

"Shut. Your. Mouth" I said closing my eyes to calm down

"Could I please get my purse and go?" The bitch called Hana said

I really feel like slapping this girls face right now

I let her pass because I wasn't ready for her at that time, I composed myself and looked San straight in the eyes.

"Babe I'm sorr-" I slapped him in the face before he could finish his sentence

"Don't ever call me that again," I said with rage in my voice

I then got up close to his face.

"I cannot believe I wasted my time on trash like you" 

"we're done" Then this guy that I thought felt some remorse said
" You're gonna come crawling back anyway"

"Oh ho ho" I chuckled with no humour " We'll see"

I then walked away with angry tears in my eyes

~Time skip

As soon as I got home the realization that I had been cheated on finally sank in, and I broke down. The tears just wouldn't stop flowing as all the memories we had shared came back.

Still sobbing on the floor, I felt warm arms wrap around me.

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