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Jays pov

Ugh, I'm so bored.

The guys had decided to go out but I didn't want to so I stayed. Why isn't anyone home? I know Sunhee went shopping and the guys are gone but what about Ara? Oh yeah, she's on a date with her boyfriend.

Single life check.

I heard the door slam, I jumped up thinking it was the boys, but everything was quiet except for the sound of someone sniffling then it turned into wailing.

Oh no, who is it? Is it one of the girls?

I walked down the steps slowly and quietly, to find Ara

Wait, Ara? Wasn't she on a date?

"Hey Ara, are you ok?" I asked softly, I don't think she heard me because she didn't respond.

What do you do when a girl starts crying? I used to hug my cousin when she was crying, maybe that'll work

I wrapped my arms around her and
she looked up at me, I blushed since our faces were so close.

Not the time Jay

She just looked down at the floor still crying.

~ Time skip

It had been an hour and I'm pretty sure Ara had just gone through the five stages of grief and she was now in acceptance finally.

San was a big A-hole though. How could he do something like that? They had been dating for two years.

"You know what? I'm done crying over him, it's his loss. I'm gonna show him I don't need him"

"Yea, you go girl!" I said with enthusiasm, internally cursing myself for being so cringy. The silence was so loud.

"Sorry, the girls in the movies always say that" I mumbled in embarrassment.

"So I have a plan," She said with an evil gleam in her eyes

"Plan 1, go to his apartment and burn it down with him in it. Plan 2, kill his new bitch, or Plan 3, kidnap him and make him eat shit just like the animal he is"

I stared at her dumbfounded, waiting for her to say "just kidding", but she didn't

"Ahem umm so were you planning on going to jail anytime soon?" I said clearly scared of her

"Maybe dial it down a notch," I asked, she looked at me disappointed and then started thinking


"K can you hurry it up a little?" She had been thinking for 10 mins

"You can't rush me"

"Fine, go on"

"Ok here's the plan. He thinks I need him and I'm never going to move on, but I'm going to fool him into thinking that I did move on like he was nothing and you're going to help me with that"

"That's a better idea but how am I gonna help?" I asked hoping that it wasn't another crime

" You are going to be my new boyfriend"


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