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Ara pov

"So now we need to solve 3.7x + 1.2 = 5.4x - (6.3) ⁹." My teacher spoke as I stared out the window

"Any volunteers?" Her eyes zeroed in on me "How about you Ara?"

"x=4.4117647" I responded easily

"Thank you"

I'm craving chocolate. I almost started drooling as I thought of various sweet treats so distracted that I didn't feel anything wet trickling out from under me. Jay looked at me and his eyes widened significantly and he motioned towards my skirt

What is he looking at? I looked down and saw a big red blotch of blood on my skirt Oh no, It's already that time of the month

"Mrs. Yang, could I please go to the washroom?" I asked

"Ok, don't forget your hall pass" she replied

"Thank you" I got up carefully trying to hide the stain

As soon as I got out of the classroom I started speed walking towards the washroom, but I heard footsteps going after me "Ara!" it was Jay

"Are you ok? Do you need help? Was that blood?" He rushed

"Um yeah it was, just wait here" I rushed into the bathroom to clean up but I was a mess

"Hey, Jay do you have your phone with you?" I asked

"Yeah, why?"

" I need you to text Sunhee and tell her Ara said she has a red pepper emergency" me and Sunhee had a code word for it whenever we needed help

"Um ok"

"She said she's on her way"

"Thank god" I sighed

I hope she gets here before the cramps start. I'm pretty sure I have one of the worst periods ever recorded, one time I had to go to the ER from the pain, I always dreaded it, and it was even worse because this time because my mom wasn't here to take care of me.

"Ara, you there?" called Sunhee

"Yeah" I replied weakly

"I brought clothes a "you know what" and a chocolate bar," She said

"Oh thank you so much" I breathed

"What am I here for?" she hugged me

"I have to go back since the council meeting is starting soon, do you think you'll be ok?"

"I should be, have fun"I let her go and after she left I changed and walked out

"I'm okay now," I told Jay

"What happened?" he asked

"You still haven't figured it out? Don't you have a sister?"

"Yeah but I still don- oh" He turned red and looked down

I started laughing but my laughter was cut short when a tight knot formed in my stomach I doubled over and groaned in pain

"Oh oh my gosh, what do I do? Are you ok? Should I call a teacher?" Jay panicked

I held up a hand for him to stop talking and then I straightened up "I'm fine, It's exam season I don't want to miss school"

"If you're in pain, you won't be able to pay attention," he said

"I said I'm fine, I'll tell you if I need help" I snapped Damn you hormones

"Okay," he said quietly



I was sweating buckets and I barely had an appetite

"Woah, Ara you look like a corpse" Ni-ki exclaimed

"Shut up" I groaned weakly

Jake touched my head "You have a really high temperature too"

"Are you sick?" asked Jungwon, I didn't have the strength to speak I just grumbled

Jay pov

Ara hadn't eaten anything and just kept her head down It was making me worried Sunhees was never this bad

"Ara you have to eat something" I tapped her lightly on the shoulder

I looked to Ni-ki for help but he just shrugged. Bring the bell rang and people started flocking out into the halls "Ara take a sip of this water" I made her drink some and then I helped her up

"Thanks" she mumbled

"Can you walk?" She didn't respond

"Ara?" I shifted and she fell to the ground, everyone rushed to her "Ara! Ara wake up" I tapped her.

"I'll take her to the nurse's office, can you guys tell the teacher what happened?" I asked

I carried her bridal style towards the office and laid her down

I'll just wait here until she wakes up

Ara pov

I opened my eyes to find myself in a small room that didn't look familiar, I looked to my side and saw Jay sleeping peacefully, I smiled softly he looks like a baby bird.

I cleared my throat and whispered, "Jay, Jay" he slowly opened his eyes and looked at me "You're awake, do you feel better?" he asked

"Yeah much better"

He smiled in relief "Um, do you think you could take me home though?" I asked

"Yeah, of course, I'll go sign us out"

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