t h i r t y n i n e

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Jay pov the night Ara left

God, you can barely see anything through this rain.

Honk! Honk!



The last thing I saw was a bright flashing light, and I thought to myself.

I can't die like this. I haven't done anything with my life. What about my sister?

What about


I can't die like this

10 hours later

"He's gonna be okay Sunhee, calm down"

"Have you called Ara yet?"

"No, I was just about to"

Why do they need to call Ara?

I opened my eyes to find myself in a bright white room.

A hospital?

I jolted myself upright.

"Jay!" Sunhee cried in surprise

She latched onto me and sobbed into my chest.

"Wh-what happened?" My voice sounded distant and I kept hearing a ringing in my ears.

"Nurse, he's awake!" Ni-ki spoke while running out of the room.

"You were-" Sunhee was cut off by another wave of tears

"You really scared us man" Jungwon spoke with a heavy voice

"You were in an accident and they had to preform surgery on you" Sunghoon explained as he rubbed Sunhees back

"Your heart stopped for 2 minutes and the doctors said you're lucky to be alive" Heeseung continued

I felt like someone had slammed a brick into me

I was dead?

"We're so happy to have you back"

All their words sounded muffled

I was dead.

It was like I was being filled up with cotton balls and they were taking away all my senses.

One by one.

I can't breathe

"I-i can't- I can't breathe" I clawed at the tubes on my arms and chest feeling suffocated.

"Jay?" Sunhee looked up at me with worried eyes

"WHERE'S THE NURSE!" Heeseung yelled

One by one

Filling me up slowly

2 hours later

I awoke gasping for air and I immediately felt warm hands on me.

"It's alright Jay, you're okay" Sunhee spoke softly

"Where am I?"

"You're in a hospital right now, but don't worry you're okay. We'll talk about it in a minute, calm down first"

She continued rubbing my back until I slowed my breathing.

"Are you ok now?"

"Yeah, I think so"

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