t h r e e

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"You are going to be my new boyfriend"



"No, absolutely not"

"Come on, it's my best idea" She pleaded

I looked at her like she was a psycho

" NO" I concluded

"Yes" She challenged

" I said no" I repeated

She grabbed me by the collar and got close to my face

" I. Said. Yes" She growled

How is she so intimidating?

"F-f-fine" I stammered

"Thank you" she moved back and ran her hands through her hair.

I moved back to my chair "So how exactly are we supposed to go about with this?"

" Easy, just pretend to be my boyfriend and do what boyfriends do"

I shifted uncomfortably and looked down blushing

" S-so what, no rules or anything?"

She stared at me like she was looking into my soul

"You've never had a girlfriend have you?" She smirked

" I might have"

"Ya haven't"

I just stared at the floor

"There's nothing bad about that though," She said trying to make me feel better

I stayed quiet

"A new learning experience for you right?" She asked

"Yeah yeah sure, whatever" I didn't want to talk about it anymore

"We have to make rules now like you said," She said

"ok" I agreed

"Rule number one" She started

"Nobody can know that it's fake they might say it by mistake"

"Rule number two be lovey-dovey in public to perfect the act"

"Number three you can't fall for me"

"Wait wait wait, you think you can't fall for me?" I interrupted

"I can, but I can be very convincing sometimes and you might see my charms and fall for me" She explained

"Sure we'll see"

"Ok rule number four, be convincing" she continued

"It kinda ties into rule number two, if you look stiff and uncomfortable it might give it away"

I nodded my head

~Time skip

Jay pov

Rule number three is gonna be hard, since I already fell for you

Aras pov

After we discussed the rules I gave him some tips on how to be boyfriend material and he seemed to get most of the things I said.

I may be halfway over San but I still felt the pain

Calling: Sunhee


Hey, wassup -Sunhee

*Sniffle* S-San -Me

Don't even say anything, I'm coming over -Sunhee

~Time skip

As soon as I opened the door, Sunhee enveloped me in a hug

I cried into her shoulder and she waited until I was done and then she walked me upstairs to my room. She told me to tell her everything that happened and then after that, we badmouthed San and that bitch and then we ate ice cream and watched k-dramas until 3 am

"Ara we have to sleep" Sunhee whispered

"Can you sleep over?" I asked

"Of course" She got out her and my matching PJs from my closet and snuggled into my bed.

Sunhee's mom and mine have been friends since grade 5 so Sunhee was like a sister to me

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Sunhee's mom and mine have been friends since grade 5 so Sunhee was like a sister to me. My home was hers and hers mine, so we had pairs of clothes at each other's houses.

Jay went to go hang with Ni-ki and his friends and they came home at about 1 am and slept over not even bothering to check on me Ugh so annoying.

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