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Next morning

Beep beep beep be-CRASH

That was the sound of my alarm falling to the ground after I whacked it


And that was the sound of my body falling onto the floor after being kicked off the bed by Sunhee

"YAH!" I yelled

"hahaha," She giggled. I got up and mushed a pillow into her face.

"Well now I'm awake" I groaned

"Let's go wake up the boys" Sunhee chuckled

We tidied up and then walked into the hallway.

"Ready?" I asked nudging Sunhee

"Divide and conquer" She nodded

We ran from door to door screaming at the boys to wake up.

I got to Ni-ki's room and went close to his face

"AYOOOOO WAKE UP!!" I yelled. He jumped off the bed terrified.

"Hahahahahaaha, you should've seen your face, oh I can't breathe" I laughed

"Not cool" He shoved me out of his room

Still laughing I went to go check for Sunhee

"HE-" I was about to yell but then I saw Sunhee waking up Sunghoon and I stopped right in my tracks, she was watching his sleeping face with a blush and tapping his nose to wake him up.

Sunhee had a bit of a crush on Sunghoon and I'm pretty sure he has a crush on her but no one's saying anything so...

I left so as not to interrupt anything.

Sunhee pov

I quietly entered Sunghoons room already starting to feel butterflies. I approached his bedside and just stared at his prince-like face for a few seconds then I started tapping his nose lightly to wake him up. His eyes slowly fluttered open to land on me

"Hey" He smiled

"Hey" I smiled back

"We gotta go to school come on," I said grabbing his hand

It was so soft

"Okay "he replied getting up

" kay" I breathed completely flustered

Aras pov

As I walked to Jay's room I thought of yesterday's events and my brilliant plan. I opened the door without knocking, thinking he was still sleeping to find, A SHIRTLESS JAY!

"Don't you know how to knock?" He asked startled

"Sorry, nice abs tho " I smirked looking at his chest unbothered, he looked at me in surprise

"What? I've known a few boys in my lifetime, boyfriend, brother, friends" I said

"Heh yeah, right right" he replied

"I was just gonna come wake you up"

"Well I'm clearly awake," He said, I cleared my throat and stared at the floor

"And I wanted to say thank you for yesterday and sorry for bothering you" I rushed

"No problem" He smiled

"Speaking about yesterday, were you really serious about the whole boyfriend thing?" He asked

"Of course I was" I replied, he looked shocked

"We can discuss the rest of the plan on the way to school, chop-chop" I walked out leaving him astonished

~Time skip

I wore my uniform and went downstairs with Sunhee

The boys had gone for a breakfast run at the cafe nearby us so they had already started eating

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The boys had gone for a breakfast run at the cafe nearby us so they had already started eating

"Hey Ara, why hasn't San come to pick you up yet?" Asked Sunoo, Jay and Sunhee looked at me to see my reaction

"San isn't going to be picking me up anymore," I said smiling with no humour

"What does that mean?" My dumb brother asked

Sunoo smacked his head before I could

"Hyung!" He complained

"It means something happened between them" Sunoo whispered

"Oooh," Ni-ki said in realization

"Ugh whatever" I looked at the clock

"We gotta go or we'll be late," I said

"But I'm not done" Heeseung whined

"Well I guess that's too bad isn't it?" I said irritated

"Wah she's extra feisty today" Sunghoon exclaimed

I started walking to the door upset and they all followed, Sunhee started walking with me to my car but I stopped her "I'm gonna ride with Jay today" She looked at me puzzled

"Jay? Why?" She asked

"No reason, just go with Sunghoon today, I'm giving you a chance" I pushed

"Fine fine" She gave in. I walked over to Jay grabbed his arm and pulled him to my car he looked at me shocked but I just winked

In the car

"So here's what's gonna happen" I started

"We are not gonna act like a couple today because it's too soon and people will think I'm no better than him"

"We can start next week" I ended, he just nodded his head

Why's he so quiet?

"Why don't we hang out today though? So we can get used to each other" I suggested

"Sure" He answered shortly. I scrutinized his face "Okay what's wrong with you?" I asked

"Nothing" He replied. I kept staring at him

"Fine, it's just I don't really want to date you" He sighed. I looked at him offended

"No, no no don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't want to date you it's that I don't Want to date you" I looked at him confused

"You're supposed to date someone you like, and you aren't dating me because of that," He said

I scoffed "That's what you're worried about? Okay okay, how about this? One more rule is that I won't take away any of your firsts so you can do them with a girl you genuinely like" I proposed

Sigh "Fine"

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