t w e n t y f i v e

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"Lately San-"

"I've been looking all over for you guys, we're going hiking, you coming?" San interrupted Hana right before she could say anything

"Um sure but could you give us a minute?"

"Well they're already starting to leave" he replied

I looked to Hana but she just stood up

"We can talk later, it wasn't important anyway" She walked away

Ugh great

"You two seem closer" San tried to walk with me

"Back up San, we're not doing this"

"Doing what?" He asked playing dumb

"This! Talking like everything's fine, cause it's not, everything wasn't fine ever since what you did, so stop trying to get close to me, cause it's not happening. I can talk to Hana because what happened is between me and you, not her, she might not have even known that we were dating until she saw me that night"

He stared at me with a mask of hurt

"And you do not get to do that to me, you don't get to look at me like that because you should have no reason to be hurt, after all I was the one that was cheated on not you. You caused all of this!" I glared at him with tears in my eyes and walked away

Fuck, I was supposed to have fun this trip but he had to find a way to ruin my mood

Once I reached the clearing Jay walked up to me smiling but once he saw my expression his face turned concerned

"You good?" He put his arms on my shoulders

"Yeah, let's just go"

"If you're not up to it, we can stay"

"No, no let's go"

Sunghoon pov

"Sunoo, what the fuck?!" I complained breathlessly

"I wanna go back" Ni-ki grumbled

"You guys are so out of shape, we're almost at the top, stop complaining"

I leaned onto Sunhee whining

"Come on hoonie, Sunoo said we're almost at the top, you can do it, I have the worst stamina yet I'm fine" She said with a warm smile

My heart beat fast when she called me that

"Only if you give me a kiss" I whispered in her ear

She chuckled

"Sorry sir you're just gonna have to keep going fueled by my beauty" She said while putting her hands on her cheeks

I grumbled but we trudged on

"What are we doing after this?" She asked after a minute

"I dunno Sunoo is the one with all the plans"

"Well I really w-"

I looked to my side to see that Sunhee had disappeared


"Ow" I heard her voice coming from down below, she had her foot caught on a vine and had fallen to the side of the hill

"Sunhee! Are you ok?" I rushed down towards her and everyone turned to see what happened

Ara rushed down towards her with Jay

"I'm ok, I just twisted my ankle" Sunhee said wincing

"Oh gosh, it looks painful" Ara said assessing the wound

"Can you walk? Or does it hurt too much?" Jay said

Sunhee got up to try and walk but she couldn't

"Let's head back, I can carry you" I reached my arms out

"Ok, sorry guys"  She was still apologizing even though she was the one hurt.

She's too sweet

Hana pov

After Sunghoon and Sunhee left, we all decided to go on for them

"This place is really pretty" I said to San

"Yeah it is" He didn't even look at me

I hate this

Ara pov

"We finally made it" I exclaimed

"And we only lost two person along the way" chimed Jay

"How pretty" marveled Jake

"Ugh I'm so tired" I laid down

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"Ugh I'm so tired" I laid down

"Me too" Jay lay down beside me

We all just looked up at the sky in awe and stayed quiet

"It's really pretty" I said

"Yeah it is"

I turned to see Jay facing me

When did he get so close?

I blushed and turned away

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked flustered

"Your hair is really nice, it looks like warm hazelnut in the sun, I never noticed" he said while playing with a small strand

"Oh uh thanks" I said turning scarlet

"Why are you blushing?" He asked smiling innocently

Does he not know he's driving me crazy by being that close?

"No reason"

He chuckled quietly, looking into my eyes

As I stared back I felt a horde of butterflies in my stomach

What is this feeling?

I had only felt this once and that was when I met San

Am I falling in love with Jay?

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