t w e n t y n i n e

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Later that day

Ara pov

"Where's the sunscreen?" Sunhee asked me frantically looking through her bag

"Right here, dummy" I picked it up from the floor and handed it to her.

It was our last night here so we decided to go swimming again and have a barbecue later. And tonight I decided that I'm going confront San about the situation, and sort things out with Jay, meaning end things with him.

"Ah, we look good once again," Sunhee said looking at herself in the mirror

"Haha, of course we do, we're twinning"

Sunhee in light blue and Ara in dark blue

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Sunhee in light blue and Ara in dark blue.

Time skip

"The water's warmer this time" I mumbled as I walked in.

I swam slowly as I gathered my thoughts, not realizing I had strayed away from everyone.

Where am I?  I finally payed attention to my surroundings

I was in a small pool of water surrounded by flowers, rocks and as I turned I saw a waterfall.

"So pretty" 

And peaceful. I let myself float onto my back to stare at the sky, eventually closing my eyes and letting the sun warm my skin.

I could fall asleep like this.

"You having fun?" a voice cut through the air making my eyes snap open.

Jay, great

"How'd you find me?"

"I followed you"

"Umm creepy much?"

"Not like that, well I did follow you but not in a creepy way I was just watching over you"

"So you've been watching me?" I asked questioningly 

"N-no," He said flustered

"Whatever, I was just teasing you," I said with a chuckle

"So, why're you here all by yourself?"

"I wanted some peace and quiet, which has now been interrupted" I sighed

"Oh, sorry, I can go" he started swimming away

"No, it's okay, stay"

He smiled and started walking towards me "So, what's up?" he asked quietly


"You've been quiet since we went shopping"

"Really? Sorry"

"Don't apologize, if something is bothering you, don't just stay quiet, tell someone, you can talk to me, Sunhee, the guys, countless people, don't bottle up your feelings"

"You're too sweet" unwillingly my voice broke

He immediately turned to me "Sorry, I always seem to have something going on with me" I sniffled

He wiped my tears softly "I told you not to apologize, everyone goes through hard times at one point and this is just yours"

He's making it so hard for me to tell him tonight.

"So, what's wrong?" He continued

"Things have just been really overwhelming lately, I keep thinking about the past when everything was so simple"

"When we were all just friends, and there was no exes or fake relationships or secrets"

"Yeah, they were" he spoke

Jay pov

"Do you regret it?" Ara suddenly asked

"Regret what?" I asked

"This 'relationship' "

"Why would I regret it?"

"I'm just thinking, why did I even start this in the first place? I feel like it was so impulsive of me, and I got you involved in my stupid problems"

"What are you talking about? You didn't force me into doing this, I made the decision myself, and your problems? They would have become my problems eventually. Even if we didn't start this 'relationship' I would have found a way to help you through it, I thought we were close enough for you to know that."

She didn't respond for a minute probably surprised by my sudden outburst. I was too

"Hah, W-wow gosh" she stuttered

"Thanks, I guess" she continued

"You're welcome" I replied

"Ok, well, we should start heading back"


She started wading back to the opening. 

I don't want her to go yet.

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