t w e n t y t w o

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Hana pov

"Well, that was a great way to show off us being a couple" I sighed as I sat on the couch

San didn't respond

"Babe come on" I grumbled

"Don't call me that, we're not in public anymore"

I shut my mouth shocked

"You do realize this isn't gonna work if you keep acting like this" I responded after a moment of silence

"I don't want it to work, I don't even want this" he spoke running his hands through his hair

"Well we have to"

"Why did you have to cause a scene?" He suddenly asked

"What do you mean? She started it, why was she digging around in someone else's business?"

"You could have just let it go, or come up with an excuse"

"Well I shouldn't have to make an excuse anyway" I mumbled

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" He snapped

"Nothing, whatever"

"Could you please just try and be nicer to her?"

"Of course you take her side"

"What do you expect me to do? I was the one that hurt her, she didn't do anything to hurt me"

"Well, she seems to be doing great with Jay"

He didn't say anything. I pulled him to the couch

"Look, I'm sorry, I know this situation is harder on you than me"

"Sorry for snapping at you"

I gave him a reassuring smile and hugged him.

How fake.

Author nim
Hmm what does this mean???

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