t w e n t y e i g h t

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Yera pov

"How do I look?" Jay stepped out of an aisle with a baseball cap on backwards

"You look like a kid" I giggled


"Here, try this on" I handed him a necklace 

"Here, try this on" I handed him a necklace 

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"Nice" he smiled as he looked in the mirror.

*bultaoleune, fire oh, fire oh eh oh* I heard Jays phone ring.

"BTS?" I asked amused

"Yeah, I'm kind of a fan" he chuckled shyly

How cute

"Well, pick up the phone"

"Oh, yeah" 

"Hey. Already, okay" 

"Everyone's done, so they're meeting up to get sushi, let's pay and go"

~Time skip

Sushi place

Third-person pov

"How'd you guys get so many clothes in only an hour?" Marvelled Jungwon

"It's a skill" replied Sunhee

"Or maybe it's a bad habit. How are we supposed to get all this home?" groaned Heeseung.

"I'll call a cab," she said bluntly

"Whatever, when's the food gonna get here? I'm hungry" grumbled Ni-ki

"Oh, it's here" Sunoo spoke

Everyone cheered and started eating.

"Aren't you hungry?" Sunhee asked Ara quietly.

"No, not really, I had a Macchiato beforehand" she responded

"That's not food. You better eat right now or else I'll make you" 

"Wah, who are you? Did we switch personalities?" Ara joked

"Shut up and eat"

"Haha okay"

Ara pov

As I ate, my eyes kept wandering to San. Still not over what I heard.

I didn't know how I should feel. Happy, that he wasn't cheating on me because he wanted to. Angry, that he didn't tell me. Disappointed that he would treat someone like that. If he asked to get back together, would I say yes? What would happen to Jay?


With all that's been going on, I never thought about what would happen to him.

I looked to him, laughing and eating with Yera.

If I had known things were this complicated I wouldn't have involved Jay in it. Now, what am I going to do? Are we just going to break up?  What was I thinking?

I have to do something about all this

Author nim

A short chapter before everything unravels

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