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"Why was math so boring today?" complained Sunhee

"I know right Mr.l-" I gt cut off because I had been pushed to the ground by a group of girls running towards the "Hype group"

"Yah! Watch where you're going" I yelled, one of the girls just looked down at me and rolled her eyes

"Ugh whatever" She muttered. I felt heat go through my body and I grabbed her by the collar and slammed her against the wall

"Care to repeat that?" I asked

"Let go of me crazy bitch!" the girl yelled, I slammed her against the wall again

"Huh? I didn't catch that" I asked again

"Fine sorry" the girl replied. I still didn't let go of the girl and I saw Sunhee caught in the crowd, I then felt a warm hand on my shoulder and I turned around to find Jay

"Calm down Ara, it's okay" He whispered, I slowly released my grip on the girl and walked away. Sunhee caught up to me and Jay "Hey, you ok?" she asked concerned "Yeah I'm fine" I replied.

We walked up to the boys "You know I don't get why the girls like y'all so much, you're not even idols"

"We're hot enough to be though" smirked Ni-ki he earned himself another whack on the head

"Aish" He groaned

"Let's go eat lunch" chirped Sunghoon grabbing onto Sunhees hand


"We're going to the club after school today, are you guys gonna come," I asked

"Heck yeah!" yelled Heeseung

"Dude shush, you're so loud," Jake said

Jay picked a piece of meat from his plate and put on mine, I smiled and opened my mouth pointing to it, his eyes widened but he picked the meat up and put it in my mouth I smiled and winked at him

"I can't handle this, I think I'm gonna throw up" whined Ni-ki covering his eyes

"Get a girlfriend and you'll do the same thing" Sunoo chirped

"Yeah sure cause you have one" Ni-ki retorted

"At least I can pull one" Sunoo argued

"You sure about that?" Ni-ki said

"Yes I am sure" Sunoo replied

"Just shush will ya," I asked annoyed

"Oooh the boss lady has spoken, we must listen" mocked Ni-ki

Another smack on the head.

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