t h i r t y e i g h t

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"So, yeah. We've come full circle"

He stayed silent for a moment

"Wow. Ara. I don't even know how to respond to a story like that"

"It doesn't even seem like something that would happen in real life"

"I know right"

"I hope you came here to take a break and clear your head and not to run away from your problems"

Am I running away from my problems?

"I hope so too"

"So, how are you gonna sort out things with Jay?"

I took a sip from my almost empty soju bottle before speaking

"I don't know yet. But I do know"

He stayed quiet

"I was the one who started it all, ended it badly and made the mistakes"

"So you are?"

"I'm going to apologize to Jay and end things with both San and Jay the right way."

Yes, that's what I'm going to do

"What about you?" he asked

"What about me?"

"What about your feelings for Jay?"

I took another gulp from my bottle

"My feelings. My feelings. My feelings" the alcohol was making my brain fuzzy

"Maybe, you should slow down on the soju"

He slid the bottles away from me

Good idea

"Well, I am going to confess my feelings to Jay and if he rejects me, then I will accept it like that, and if he doesn't..."

"I don't know"

2 days later

"Wah, my tan is so nice" I exclaimed while looking in my compact mirror

"The sun here really does wonders" Yoonah spoke while looking at a magazine.

We were at a salon to get our hair and nails done since I was graduating soon.

"And your dress really compliments your skin"

"Aw thanks"

"Are you guys ready?" the stylist asked 

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"Are you guys ready?" the stylist asked 

"Oh, yes"

1 hour later

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