t w e n t y s e v e n

115 5 3

TW: Abuse

Ara pov

"Should I get this or nah?" I turned to Hana with a tartan green crop top

"Cute, but the material doesn't look like it'll last long" She replied

"Yeah, true" 

It was a cute shirt though. Anyways.

"So, ahem, about what happened that day" I started while going through a clothing rack

"What day?" she asked cluelessly

"You know, before we went hiking"

"Oh uh yeah, what about it?"

"You didn't get to finish telling me about what was going on with San"

"Ah, uh" She looked down

"We could talk about it over a cup of coffee if you want" I suggested to make her more comfortable

"Yeah, we can do that"

~Time skip

"Can I get two caramel Macchiatos please?" 

"Thank you"

I brought the two hot cups back to our table.

"So" I sat down and sipped softly

"Okay, I'll talk but you can't tell anyone about this got it?" she spoke finally

"I promise"

"You know San already, he has a lot of weight on his shoulders being the son of a CEO, we all do, and it gets really stressful sometimes"


"Well, Sans dads' company has been going through some issues lately and is taking out his anger on San. Now, this is the part you need to keep quiet about."


"My parents decided they will only invest in Sans fathers company if me and San date, hoping that we'll, I guess fall in love and eventually get married and my families company and his will combine"

"Wh- s-so wait San cheated on me, with you, because of his family?" I stuttered in disbelief.


I sat in shock "So he was forced. He didn't cheat on me because-" I didn't finish my sentence, still taking in all the information.

"Listen, Ara if I could get out of this relationship, I would, you guys were happier together, but for the time being, I can't for the sake of our families. And for your sake"

"For my sake? What do you mean by that?" 

"You heard what I said at the start about the pressure of being a CEO's child and the stress it brings"


"We all react to our stress and relieve our stress differently, I like to shop, some of my friends like to party, and some, like San bottle up the stress until I guess it explodes."

"Yeah, where are you going with this?" I asked growing impatient

"I don't think you realize how hard it is for me to be talking about this and you speaking like that isn't helping at all," she said voice trembling

"I'm sorry" I reached for my now cold Macchiato and sipped on it to keep myself quiet.

"One month after me and San began 'dating'. San had come home after having a meeting with his dad and I was at his house because we were supposed to have dinner together that night, but when he came back, he was in a really bad mood and I didn't want to annoy him further by doing or saying the wrong thing because he gets mad really easily, so I left him alone. But I guess that made him more upset."


Hana pov

"Hana" I heard his voice calling me from the living room

"Yeah" I responded 

No response?

I went to go check why he didn't respond. 


"Mmmhmm" he sat on the couch with a cloudy expression.

"What's up?"

"Why were you ignoring me?"

"Ignoring you?"

"I came home in a bad mood and you didn't think to I dunno try to comfort me? If you really want people to believe we're dating you actually have to act like it"

"Wha- San I was trying to give you time to cool off! I didn't want to annoy you" I sputtered in shock

"Well, that clearly didn't work!" he snapped

"This is exactly why I wanted to give you some time, you're always like this"

"What's that supposed to mean?" 

"Like this! You get agitated so easily and start an argument!"

"Well, it's quite easy to get agitated when I have to be around you!" he yelled in my face.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I stood up in anger.


"Yes, you!" I walked towards the door already grabbing my things, not wanting to stay there one minute longer.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" he grabbed onto one of my wrists, harshly turning me around.

"Where do you think I'm going ? Cause I'm definitely not staying here! And let go of me"

"Why is everyone so damn frustrating these days?" he spoke while tightening his grip on my wrists

"San, let. go."

"Why?" he repeated, paying no attention to me

"S-San, you're hurting me" I tried twisting my arms but his grip was so strong.

He's not listening to me. I just want to go home.

"SAN, SNAP OUT OF IT!" I yelled fed up. 

He released his grip in surprise finally coming back to reality. He looked down to my wrist then to me shaking in fear.

I yanked my hand away from his.

"Oh god, Hana I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry, I-i didn't mean to- I'm so so sorry" he apologized profusely.

"I-i don't think I can do this. You need to get your act together"

"I will, I'm sorry things are just- I-i can't"

"Listen San, I understand things are bad but what you did just now is unnacceptable"

"I know" I heard him sniffle and looking at him in that vulnerable state made me feel such pity for him. I pulled him closer to me and hugged him. 

I don't even like him, why am I doing this?

End of flashback

Ara pov

"O-oh god" I stuttered in disbelief

"T-tha- h-he wouldn't, why wou- wha-"

"I know" she spoke softly

We both sat in silence for a few minutes. 

"I'm so sorry that that happened to you"

She didn't say anything and I looked up to see her with her head in her hands softly crying.

"Are you okay?" 

"You're the first person to say that"

"After that incident, I went home and told my mom about what happened but she didn't even-  I expected her to comfort me and tell me that I didn't have to stay with him but she just told me to endure it and she even made up excuses for him. So everytime something like that happened I had to forgive him and pretend like everything was okay when it wasn't.  "

This is way more complicated than I thought. You really never know what's going on behind closed doors.

I stood up and gave her a hug, not caring if people were watching.

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