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Ara pov

"hmmm, Sunhee when did you get here?" I said feeling somebody's presence beside me

"Sunhee?" I repeated since I didn't get a response. I then opened my eyes to find JAY!
"What are you doing in my bed!?" I said startled. "Jay!" I yelled in his ear since he didn't respond

"WHAT?! WHAT HAPPENED?" He yelled jumping off the bed "wait what am I doing here?" He said finally coming to his senses.

"That's exactl-" I didn't get to finish my sentence because I jumped off the bed, ran to the bathroom and threw up. "ugh, gross" I groaned

I walked back to my room and sat down with my head in my hands "Ow my head"

"Are you ok?" Jay asked concerned

"Yeah, I'll be fine. What happened yesterday?" I asked through the pain

"Well, you drank. A lot. Some dude almost did some bad things to you, but I saved you"

"WHAT!?" I yelled "Yes but I gave the guy a beating" Jay continued

" You also threw up on me and yourself. What else? Oh yeah, and I caught Sunghoon and Sunhee making out, so that was nice" He finished

"W-wow" I stuttered in shock "Thanks for helping me out once again"

"No problem but I've got to make a note to never drink with you again. You go crazy"

"Heh sorry" I turned my head to check what time it was but the movement brought on a whole new pain "OW" I winced in pain

"I'll go make some hangover soup, I didn't really drink yesterday but you guys seem to have gotten it bad"


In the kitchen

I put on a hoodie and sunglasses for the hangover and followed Jay down to the kitchen and now I'm watching him cook for me.

He looks kinda handsome while cooking.

"What's cooking?" Ni-ki asked sleepily while walking towards the kitchen

"mmh something smells good," said Sunoo also walking over

"Jay the chef is cooking us hangover soup" I replied

"Nice" Chimed in Jungwon

Soon everyone gathered in the kitchen to watch Jay, but we were missing two people

"Hey, where's Sunghoon and Sunhee?" I asked

"I dunno, we all slept in the living room yesterday" Heeseung answered

"I'll go look" I offered

I went upstairs and looked in Sunhees room but she wasn't there so I walked to Sunghoons and opened the door to find something cuter than puppies.

I went to the top of the stairs and whisper yelled"Guys! Guys! Come look"

They all ran up the stairs and followed me to Sunghoons room, Sunhees head was resting on Sunghoons chest and they were sleeping peacefully in each other's arms

"awww they're so cute" cooed Sunoo

I took out my phone and took some pics of them to document the moment. As I looked at the pictures I felt a small pang of sadness remembering when I was in Sans arms

"Let's leave them alone guys come on" whispered Jungwon

Everyone quietly walked out and went downstairs but I went to my room and curled up on my bed. I missed him. Even after he caused me that much pain I still missed his warm hugs, his charming smile and the feel of his hand on mine

I cried quietly for a few minutes until someone opened my door and sat on the edge of my bed

"You ok?" It was Jay

"Yeah yeah don't mind me," I said smiling

"You know you shouldn't hold in your feelings, it's not healthy and whenever you need to, just know I'm here," he said softly

"Than-" I started crying again and couldn't finish my sentence

"It's okay let it out" He whispered while pulling me into his arms and I welcomed the embrace.

It had been about half an hour that we stayed in that position. I didn't have any more tears left to cry so I just sniffled and hugged him tighter

"Are you feeling better now?" He asked

"Yeah," I said with a hoarse voice

"Our interactions really need to stop ending like this huh?" I laughed

"Yeah haha" He replied

"Should I get you your soup now?" He asked

"No, can we just stay like this for another minute" I pleaded

"Oh ok"

Sunghoon pov

mmh I smell flowers

I slowly opened my eyes and turned my head to find SUNHEE? ON MY CHEST?

Gasp, What happened yesterday?

As yesterdays memories came back, I blushed and looked down at her sleeping face

So cute

"Sunhee" I whispered


"Sunhee wake up," I said softly

Then she opened her eyes to look at me

*Gasp*"What am I doing here?" She asked while sitting up

"You don't remember?" I asked


"Well we went to the club yesterday and got a bit too drunk and I guess you stumbled into my bed" I left out the kiss since I wasn't sure if she meant it.

"Oh um sorry" She mumbled shyly

"It's fine" I smiled

"Ow my head" She winced in pain

"Are you ok?" I asked worried

"yeah I-" She was cut off by the sound of someone crying

Wow the walls are thin

"Is that Ara?" she asked already getting up

"I think, let's go check if she's okay"

We walked towards her room and opened the door a little

"Is that Jay with her?" I whispered

"Oh my gosh yea" she whispered back

"Well he seems to have it under control"

"yeah" Sunhee suddenly whirled around as I was still peeking through the door crack causing our faces to bash into each other. Sunhees face turned beet red and I chuckled at her facial epression.

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