n i n e t e e n

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"His name is San"

"Did you say San?" I asked shocked

"I'm so sorry, I know with what happened things would be awkward but he said you guys were okay so I just thought it would be fine" Yera rushed nervously

"U-um no it's fine I just wasn't expecting him" I ran my hands through my hair

The room was quiet and Jay just looked back and forth between us

"Hey! So we should start cooking right? Heh" he clapped his hands together and gave an awkward smile

"Ah yeah I'll just go get ready" I smiled back and walked up the stairs slowly

"Ok Ara ok, you can do this, you're gonna walk down there like the bad bish you are, you're gonna show him you don't care" I gave myself a pep talk in front of my mirror and went to pick an outfit

"Yah! Sunhee!" I yelled

"Yeah" She yelled back

"Get in here!"

She raced in "What am I wearing today?"

She picked out a dress "You are wearing this"

She picked out a dress "You are wearing this"

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"Ooh nice?" I smiled gratefully

"How do you always know what to wear?"

"It's a gift hun" She smirked and danced out of the room

Half hour later

Third person pov

Ara fixed her hair and makeup and descended down the stairs

"You're finally done, how long does it ta-" Jay halted in his tracks and looked at Ara in awe

"Jay?" She waved her hands around to get his attention

"Oh uh, I just wanted to say you look really nice" he blushed and scratched his nape

"Why thank you" She smiled

"You look great too" She continued

"You look great too" She continued

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What Jay's wearing

"We kind of match" he chuckled

"Yeah" She giggled

"Ugh, you guys have been dating for a month but you're so awkward" Jungwon rolled his eyes

"Are they even dating?" Jake teased

"Yah o-of course we are!" Jay yelled

"Sheesh I was kidding"

Ding dong

"I'll get it" Ni-Ki rushed to the door

Ara had turned around, about to get Sunhee when she paused listening to the voice of the person who entered

"Hey, Ni-Ki! What's up? It's been awhile" San spoke giving Ni-Ki a hug

"Yeah well with what happened" Ni-ki replied

Ara straightened up feeling Sans gaze on her and pretended not to be bothered

Sunghoon pov

"I look so good today, how am I so handsome?" I posed in front of my mirror teasing Sunhee

"Yah! You're supposed to be complimenting me" Sunhee hit my arm

"Ouch, I was only joking"

"Hmph" She turned around and pouted

"You're way too cute when you're mad" I smiled

She blushed that shade of pink that I loved so much

I gave her a hug "Do you forgive me now?"

She blushed a deeper shade and then turned to face me "F-fine" she was flustered by how close our faces are

I smirked and leaned closer but right before our lips could touch she swerved towards my ear and whispered
"A taste of your own medicine" and then she ran out the door laughing

"Y-yah Sunhee!" I was still frozen where she left me

What is she doing to me?

Jay pov

We were all sitting at the table awkward while waiting for the others to come down

"The food looks really good, who knew you were such a good cook" I smiled trying to break the ice

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"The food looks really good, who knew you were such a good cook" I smiled trying to break the ice

"Hah thank you" smiled Yera

Sunghoon and Sunhee finally walked in

Ara finally looked up from her feet "You guys are twinning too haha" she forcefully laughed

Ara finally looked up from her feet "You guys are twinning too haha" she forcefully laughed

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"Yeah I guess so" Sunhee replied

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"Yeah I guess so" Sunhee replied

"Ugh this is so awkward" grumbled Jungwon

I slid down my seat

Yeah it is

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