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After school

"Ara! You done yet!?" yelled Jay from downstairs

"You can't rush the process, I'll be down in a minute!" I yelled back

"You said that 10 minutes ago!"

"Wait!" I checked myself in the mirror before walking downstairs

"Wait!" I checked myself in the mirror before walking downstairs

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"Alright let's go yall," I said as I walked over to Jay. Why does he keep staring at me?

"You look good," he said turning to me

"Told you to trust the process" I chuckled

At the club

Jay pov

Somebody needs to help me with Ara. She's drunk but won't stop drinking. What do I do?

"Who's this sexy snacc in front of me?" Ara grabbed my cheeks and surveyed my face, I blushed and looked around the club to see if I could spot Sunhee but I couldn't. I turned around to stop Ara from getting another drink, but when I turned around she was gone

"Ara! Ara!" I yelled as I pushed through the crowd, I then spotted her in the middle of the dance floor dancing with a random guy. What is she doing? I pushed through the crowd to get to her but she was nowhere to be seen. Oh no, Where is she?

"Hi I'm sorry did you see a girl wearing a checkered skirt with long black hair, looked kinda drunk?" I asked a bystander

"A lot of people here fit that description but I think I saw a girl like that walking out with some dude" they responded

"Thanks," I said as I turned and ran out the door. I hope she's okay.

I stumbled out of the club to find myself in a dark alley, I looked around but didn't find her. Suddenly I heard a girl scream "ARA!" I yelled. I turned a corner to find a man on top of her.

"Hey, get off her" I yelled while pulling the man off

"Who are you?" the man asked angrily and clearly also drunk

I punched him in the face and said "Her boyfriend"

The man groaned and cursed but eventually ran off, I walked over to Ara to see if she was alright

"Wow my knight in shining armour, is that you San?" she looked at my face and started crying

"You're not my San! Go away!" she sobbed. That stung a little

"No no, you're my Jay," she said pulling me closer, I leaned away smiling and pulled her up

"Why thank you sir?" she hiccuped.

I walked with her back into the club to find the rest of the gang chatting away at a booth

"Guys we gotta go home, Ara's wiped," I said

"m'kay lessgooo" mumbled Heeseung

"By the way, where's Sunghoon and Sunhee?" the two were missing from the group

"I dunno check the bar" Ni-ki suggested

I dropped Ara with them to go find Sunhee and Sunghoon

I saw the top of my sister's head a few feet away from me and when the crowd parted I saw Sunghoon too, KISSING MY SISTER!

"Woah Woah Woah back it up," I said pulling the two from each other

"Hey! Ya big meanie" Sunhee groaned

Oh please let this day end already

I dragged the two with me and rounded up the gang

"You guys need to sober up, we're walking," I said

"Ugh fine" Sunghoon muttered

So we all walked out of the club into the fresh air

"waaaaahhh" Ara said out of the blue

"The stars are so pretty," she said

"and so are y-" she didn't get to finish her sentence because she threw up all over me

"AHahahahahah" The boys laughed

"heh sorry" she giggled


"mhm no it's fine," I said while trying not to gag

"Firreee oh Fiiirree oh eh oh" Ara sang

"Fir-" She didn't get to finish the song either because she threw up on herself


"wOwOw" she exclaimed

How is she so cute even now? What did I just say? Stop it, Jay, you're not falling for her already

At home

The boys collapsed onto the couch as soon as we entered the house but I pulled Ara up to her room to change her

How do I do this? Ok I'll close my eyes

I slowly pulled off her shirt and put on a hoodie for her then I stumble out of her room took a shower and changed.

I should give her some water

I got a water bottle and walked to her room to find her sleeping peacefully

She's so pretty

I placed the water bottle on her bedside and started to walk out but she suddenly grabbed my arm "don't go" she whispered

"I have to, you need to sleep" I whispered back

"I don't want you to go" she sniffled

I sighed sat on her bed and began to sing a lullaby my mom used to sing to me

"Lay down" she mumbled



So I laid down and she moved closer to me

"Thank you" she whispered before she went quiet

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