f o u r t y

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2 days later

Sunhee pov

"We're gonna head to the cafeteria and get some food" Sunghoon spoke softly, putting his hand on my waist.

"Ah, ok"

"Do you want anything?"

"Maybe a muffin. I'm not that hungry"

"Ok, see you in a bit" he pecked me on the cheek before leaving with the boys.

I turned to Jay, blushing. He was looking at me with an unreadable expression.

"You guys are cute" he spoke in a low voice.

"Thanks" I sat on a chair, pulling out my phone.

Shoot I have to charge my phone

"How are you feeling?" I asked

"Fine, as always. But I'd be even better if I could leave"

I rolled my eyes "You know that can't happen"

He scowled and looked away.

"Have you talked to Ara yet?" I asked

He had been avoiding all conversations mentioning Ara and refused to let anyone talk to her.


"Jay, can you please tell me what's going on?"

"It's nothing you have to worry about"

"It's starting to be, seeing as how you're not letting anyone talk to her"

"I'm just not ready to talk to her"

"It's like you're coming up with a new excuse everytime"

"Can you please just drop it?"

"No, Jay I can't. You two have been secretive these past few weeks and I don't even know what's going on"

"You don't need to!"

"You are my brother Jay and she is a sister to me. You've both been acting up and I've been walking on eggshells around you"

"Nobody asked you to"

"You know what? I'm telling Ara what happened, whether you like it or not. She deserves to know" I got up walking to the door.

"I told you to drop it. Can't you just listen to me for once!" he yelled making me stop in my tracks.

I recoiled at the harsh tone feeling tears spring into my eyes.

I started turning before he could say anything.

"Sunhee, I'm sor-" I slammed the door not letting him finish his words.

I opened the door and saw the boys standing there agape but I brushed past them.

"Sunhee!" Sunghoon called me but I ignored him.

I turned towards a stairwell and closed the door behind me.

I wiped the tears from my face aggressively pulling out my phone to call Ara.

Ring ring

"Sunhee! What's going on over there? No texts, no calls, you didn't even pick up mine"

"I know I know, I'm sorry, but Ara. Something happened"


I sniffed agin feeling the tears welling up "It's about Jay" 

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