f o u r t y o n e

118 5 1

Jay pov

I grinned from ear to ear. It felt like the sun had started shining after a storm. We were all back together with no harsh feelings or confusion but as I locked eyes with Sunghoon I felt a pang in my chest.

I haven't apologized to Sunhee yet.

Sunghoon frowned and looked away.

"We should probably let Jay rest and get ready for tomorrow" Heeseung spoke

"That's true" Jake spoke

Ara came up to me and said goodbye with a small brush of her hand on mine and all the boys came and said goodbye.

"Wait! Sunghoon. Do you know where Sunhee is?"


"I uh, I want to apologize to her"

He stared for a minute before replying

"The last time I saw her, she was sleeping in Aras hospital room"

"Ah, ok thanks"

He nodded before walking out.


Here goes nothing

I knocked on the door to her room.

"Come in" Ara spoke

"Oh, Jay. What're you doing here?" She asked

"I'm looking for Sunhee"

"Oh, uh she's in the washroom"

"Ok, I'll just wait for her here"

I leaned against the wall drumming my fingers on my thigh.

"Is everything alright?" She asked

"Yeah" I contemplated telling her what happened

"I just said some things to her I shouldn't have and I need to apologize"

"Oh, ok" she responded


The bathroom door opened and Sunhee looked at me.

"Ara, I'm kinda hungry, I'll be at the cafeteria if you need me"

She tried to brush past me but I stopped her.

"Move" she snapped

"I need to talk you"

"There's nothing to talk about"

"Yes there is"

"Uh, Sunhee how about I go get you that food?" Ara spoke while sliding past us.

"I'm sorry" I spoke as the door closed

"Leave me alone Jay"

"No, I need you to hear me out"

She stayed quiet

"Ever since the camping trip I had been in a bad state of mind and after I heard about Ara leaving and when the accident happened everything just got worse. I'm not excusing my actions but I need you to know that I wasn't intentionally trying to hurt you, I just wasn't myself at that time. I'm your brother, you know me. I'm so thankful for how much you cared for me and I feel so horrible within myself for making you feel anything but appreciated and loved"

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