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Two days later

Jay pov

Yera has been hanging out with me alot lately she's a really chill person and fun to talk to but my mind kept on wandering back to Ara.
She's been avoiding me for the past two days and I don't know why.
Is she perhaps jealous?
Because of Yera? No way.

There's only one way to find out.

Ara pov

I collapsed onto my bed exhausted after working with San at the library again.
I'm so drained

Knock knock

"Who is it?" I asked

"It's Jay, can I come in?" He asked

"Fine" I sighed and buried my head into my arms

"Is it okay, if Yera comes over for dinner tonight? I've been wanting to invite her but wanted to ask if you were okay with it" he said sitting beside me

I turned to look at him and then turned away not ready to answer

Third person pov

"Why wouldn't I be okay with it? Why does everyone keep asking me questions like these?" Ara through her hands up getting agitated

She's totally jealous Jay thought while smirking

"No reason, just cause I'm your 'boyfriend' and all" He replied

"Fake boyfriend" She said turning away from him

"If that's all you wanted to say, fine she can come over I don't care" she continued ready to end the conversation

"Um ok, wanna watch a movie then?" Jay asked

"I'm not in the mood stop bugging me"

"Ok but I can't watch scary movies by myself" Jay said pouting

"Don't be a wuss, just watch it with Heeseung" She grumbled

"He doesn't want to"

"Alright then, I'll watch it with you, ya big baby" She teased

"Who are you calling big baby?!" Jay exclaimed

"You of course, who else?" She jumped off her bed grinning

"Yah!" He yelled

Jay pov

We said we were only gonna watch one movie but one turned to two and two turned to three and strangely she seemed to be enjoying it while I shook in fear

"How can you watch this?" I asked in surprise

"What? This? It's not even scary and plus these things aren't real so there's nothing to be afraid of"

We were seated on the couch quite close together so when she turned to me our noses almost touched, she blushed and I turned away grinning

Ara pov

"Aaaah" Jay jumped suddenly grabbing onto me and covering his face with his hoodie haha

"That wasn't even scary, are you serious?" I teased

"I'm at my breaking point, no more scary movies, turn it off" he reached for the remote but I leaned back dodging which caused him to lose balance and fall on top of me

He stared into my eyes for a few seconds before a soft voice broke us apart

"Uh hi guys, sorry if I'm interrupting anything Ni-ki let me in" Yera had walked in on us.

Jay got off me and we brushed ourselves off
"Nah it's okay, you weren't interrupting anything" Jay smiled

That smile that I liked so much

"Yeah, make yourself at home I'll just go get dressed" sweats weren't exactly a good dinner fit and I heard she was cooking.

"You don't mind if I invited someone else did you?" Yera asked politely

"No I don't mind, it's a big house after all" I laughed awkwardly

"Who is It?" I asked

"I don't know if you know him but he's in our class, me and him are childhood friends"

"His name's San"

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