f o u r t y t h r e e

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Ara pov

"You dipshit, get over here" I pulled Ni-ki by the collar, not letting him escape.

"Look what you did to my forehead! I have a mark"

I whacked him on the back. "Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. Hyung help!" he called to Jungwon passing by. Jungwon turned the other way, acting like he had seen nothing. 

"Does anyone know where my charger is? Tsk, I keep hearing this annoying bug in my ear"


Sunhee trudged out of her room tiredly. "It's too early for this. Sshhh"

"I need some soup"

Jay walked by with his hair sticking out in all directions. I laughed at the sight temporarily letting go of Ni-ki. 

Jay looked at me and away quickly. What was that about?

"Man, I have a headache" I groaned and walked down the stairs slowly.

"Can we just order?" Sunhee mumbled with her head on the table.


"Are we going dress shopping today or tomorrow?"

"Let's go tomorrow, I'm way too tired"

The next day

"Jay has been avoiding me since yesterday morning" I spoke to Sunhee as we pulled into the dress shops parking lot.

"Did you do something embarrassing?"

"I don't know, I don't remember"

"Well that's great"

I rolled my eyes and got out of the car.

"Me and Sunghoon have decided to tell the guys about our relationship"

"Well that's great," I said, mimicking her tone.

"Yes it is"


"I'm thinking you should get a black dress or deep red" the stylist suggested as she took my measurements.

"And you, maybe periwinkle or a pale yellow" she continued as she moved to Sunhee.

"Bring out the dresses!" 


3 days later

"Sunhee hurry up, I need to shower" I banged on the door hearing no response.

Today was graduation day and we were all getting ready.

How are all the bathrooms occupied? Let me go check the one down the hall

"Ara, which tie looks better? Emerald green or Royal blue?" Ni-ki asked as I hurried down the hallway

"Neither, your face would ruin the whole outfit"

I heard him curse as I walked by him. 

"Go with Royal blue!" I yelled before I turned the corner to the other bathroom.

I knocked on the door "Hello?"

"Whoever's in there needs to hurry up!"

 I knocked on the door again. "Hellooo" as I brought my fists up to try again, the door opened.

"Oh, Jay. Sorry, all the bathrooms are occupied and I need to get re-" I looked down and noticed that he had his shirt unbuttoned. 

"Oh my word! Put on a shirt" I exclaimed covering my eyes.

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