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"Let me help you" San reached towards Ara

"I don't need your help" Ara spoke

"It was my fault" San insisted

"I told you I don't need your help" Ara snapped and slapped Sans hand away

Everyone stared quietly as she got up angrily and walked away from the table

Where did it all go wrong?

One hour earlier

Ara pov

"Thanks for the food Yera" I smiled

"You're very welcome" She replied

Things had started to become less awkward as we talked about school and other things

"Ooh who's your favorite artist?" Sunoo asked Yera

"Hmm I would have to say stray kids"

"I'm in love with NCT but my all time fav would have to be Stray kids" I spoke

"Ooh yeah their songs are so good and their performances too" San chimed in

"And the ones on Road to kingdom absolute fire!"

"I know right" San laughed and I laughed too

Then I realized how quiet everything was, we had gotten caught up in our own little bubble

"Ahem, yeah"

"Um how's Hana doing?" I asked trying to change the topic

"Oh yeah she's good, I was actually going to invite her tonight but I didn't want to seem rude"

"Oh no you can still invite her if you want, the more the merrier" I said awkwardly

"Really? Ok"

He stepped away to go text her, Jay nudged me and I turned to him

"What are you doing?" He whispered

"Nothing, I'm just being a good host"

"Ok then"

"She was close by actually so she'll be here soon" San said sitting back down

Few minutes later

Ding dong

"I'll get it" I spoke quickly

I opened the door "Hi" I said in my warmest voice

"Hey" Hana replied in a snarky voice

"Is it cold or something?" I asked


"You're looking pretty warm with your getup"

"Oh" She looked nervous all of a sudden

"Oh" She looked nervous all of a sudden

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This is what she was wearing

"I can take your coat"

"I'm fine"

"It's pretty warm in here"

"I'm good"

"Just give me the coat, I'm not gonna steal it if that's what you're thinking, I can buy my own" being nice does not work with this girl

"Ugh fine"

Few minutes later

"And he thought that it would stay but it didn't and the whole thing came crashing on him" Ni-ki was passionately telling one of our childhood stories of my dad trying to build a bookshelf

Everyone was laughing and eating, it seemed to be going well

Hana reached across to get some water
"I can help" I didn't want the water to spill so I offered to help when I noticed something dark on her wrist

"What's that on your wrist?" I touched her wrist curiously causing the sleeve to slide up

Was that a bruise?

"It's nothing"

"It doesn't look like nothing"

"Why do you care?"

"It looks painful"

"Mind your own business"

"I just wanna know if you're okay"

"Like I fucking asked" She muttered under her breath

Oh now I'm mad

"See Hana I'm trying my hardest to be nice to you because that's the mature thing to do, now you can choose to act however you want to act and I will too but if you don't get your act together, me and you are gonna have a problem" I spoke harshly

"What happened to your wrist?" I repeated

"Leave. Me. The. Fuck. Alone"

I slammed my hand on the table "Yah! Where the hell are your manners? Aren't you the daughter of a CEO? You should at least know how to behave"

"Says the one yelling" She scoffed and rolled her eyes

I realized now that everyone was staring at us

"Is everything okay?" San asked

Jay touched my arm to calm me down

"Hey San, you need to keep your ex under control" Hana said with an annoyed voice

"What happened?" He asked

"She seems to be sticking her nose where it shouldn't be"

This bitch

San could tell that I was about to go all crazy on Hana so he reached out his hand to try and calm me down but just ended up knocking over a cup of grapejuice

I gasped from the cold liquid

"Oh I'm so sorry" San reached across again to try and help

"Let me help you" San said getting a napkin

"I don't need your help"

"It was my fault" he insisted

"I told you I don't need your help" I snapped and slapped Sans hand away

Everyone stared quietly as I got up angrily and walked away from the table but I didn't care.

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