f o u r t y t w o

125 5 1

Ara pov


"Hey" he smiled


"Uh, can I talk to you?" he asked. 

Sunhee looked at me warily.


"I'll be back in a sec"

We walked together to one of the empty classrooms.

 "So, what did you want to talk about?"

"I just wanted to tell you, I and Hana ended things and spoke with our parents"

"That's great"

"And, I'm uh, moving to England"

"England? Wow"


"Well um if that's what you want, I'm happy for you"

"Thank you"

"Well, I uh hope you enjoy England" I gave him a smile before turning to walk.


I faced him again "Can we still keep in touch?"

"I, don't think that would be a good idea, for your sake"

He looked down "Right"


"It was really nice knowing you. I'll be sure to cherish the memories that we had"

I saw him smile before I walked out.


"What did San want to talk to you about?" Sunhee asked sitting on my bed.

"Oh, nothing. Just wanted to say bye"


"Yeah, he's moving to England"

"Wow, England"


"Well, that's good for him I guess, let's go, it's almost 7" she continued as I applied my lip tint

"Hold on, I'm almost done"

"Why are you even dressing up, we're probably just gonna look around, pick our rooms and then go to bed"

"To bed! I don't think you know what you're talking about, we've gotta stay up all night and reminisce our young days"

"Ah, whatever just hurry up"

"You're such a bore!" I called after her

"Go cry about it"

I laughed to myself before running after her almost tripping

"Woah, slow down" Jay spoke while stabilizing me.

"Oh, thanks"

"No problem" he smiled before walking away.

Aaaahhh why's he so handsome?!

"ARA!" Sunhee yelled from downstairs.

"Coming!" I ignored Jay's snicker and ran down the stairs.


"It's barely changed" I spoke as we unloaded our things.

"I know right" Ni-ki replied

I dragged my suitcase along with me.

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