t h i r t y f o u r

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Aras pov

I lay awake, unable to sleep. 

It's baffling how quickly things can change. A night of celebration, laughter and games had turned into a night of pain, sadness and anger. All because of me and my stupid actions.

Sunhee had fallen asleep in Sunghoons tent, leaving me alone in the tent.

I sighed, turning onto my side, letting the tears fall softly, crying myself to sleep.

Sunhees pov

I opened my eyes groggily to the sound of pots clanging together and Sunoos' loud voice. I felt Sunghoon at my side. 

"Sunghoon, wake up. " I tapped him on the nose lightly, getting no response 

It's such a hassle to wake people up. 

I gripped the tip of his nose and pinched it hard, sending him flying. 

"AHAHAHAHA" I laughed uncontrollably 

"Yah! Why'd you do that?" He asked rubbing his nose in pain

"You wouldn't wake up" I responded 

"You couldn't have used a different method?"

"Sorry, Mr. Park" I giggled starting to walk out of the tent

"Wait" he spoke before pulling me back

I stared at him confused

He pulled me closer and pecked me on the forehead before letting me go.

I felt the blood rush up to my cheeks as I rushed out of the tent.

"Mornin" Jake mumbled as I walked by him


"Wait" he spoke, stopping in his tracks

"Why are you coming out of Sunghoons tent? And why are you blushing?" he asked

"Ah- um, don't worry about it" I ran back to my tent before he could ask more questions

"Ara, wake up" I patted her sleeping bag

"Sorry for leaving you yesterday night I was completel-" I stopped mid-sentence seeing that the 'Ara' I was patting was just a pillow 

"Ara?" I turned to look at the other side of the tent 

"AH, dammit you scared me half to death" 

Ara sat in a dark corner of the tent staring blankly ahead.

"Are you ok? You look horrible" I walked over to her 

"I'm fine" she mumbled

"You don't look fine, your eyes are puffy. What happened yesterday night?" 

"Nothing" she got up lugging her suitcase behind her.

"It can't be nothing, both you and Jay are acting weird. You don't have to tell me now, but please don't keep it to yourself, talk to me, okay?" 

"Ok" she responded

Aras pov

I walked out of the tent barely registering what Sunhee was saying.

"Okay, guys we're leaving in 5 minutes?" Sunoo spoke to everyone.

I looked around not looking at anything in particular when I locked eyes with Jay for a second, looking away almost immediately, but still able to see his pale face with bags under his puffy eyes. 

I probably look the same. I sighed and leaned against my suitcase. 

"Ara" I heard Hana call as she walked to me 

"Are you alright? You look horrible" she gasped

"Ah, it's probably just a hangover" I answered not wanting to speak a lot

"Hm, well. I wanted to ask you something about yesterday night-" 

"Uh, I'm really tired and have a splitting headache. Do you mind if we talk later?"

"Yeah, yeah sure"

"Alright, L E T apostrophe S G O. Let's go!" Jungwon squeaked 

"Same groups as when we left?" Ni-ki asked

"Yup" Heeseung responded


I dragged myself to the car too tired to argue. I put my bags in the trunk and moved to the front since Sunghoon was driving. 

He gave me a "what the heck" look, thinking that he was going to sit with Sunhee

"I'll switch with her later"

I wanted him to be asleep before I went to the back so as to avoid talking to him.

10 min later

Sunghoon drummed his hands against the steering wheel creating a random annoying rhythm.

"Can you stop?" I asked eventually fed up

"Sure, can" he responded 

A few minutes later I closed my eyes trying to sleep when I heard whistling.

That brat

I huffed glaring at him

"Ooh, someone's a bit feisty this morning"

"Sunghoon cut it out" Sunhee chirped from the back

He laughed and put his eyes back on the road. 

I closed my eyes again and was almost immediately interrupted

"Bow, dow, kacho wowee, boom boom chew"

That's it 

"For goodness sake, how old are you?!  Is it really that hard for you to keep quiet? You know what. Pullover"

He immediately stopped the car grinning

I got out and went to the drivers' side as he went to the backseat waking Jay up and rushing him out.

"You always have to get what you want huh?" I grumbled as I started the car, ignoring Jay.

I started driving also ignoring the whispers coming from the back. 

"You shouldn't have done that. Can't you tell something's going on between them?" Sunhee scolded

"No, I just wanted to sit with you, I'm too tired to drive" he whined

"You big baby, I don't care, now everything's all frosty in here"

"I can warm it up" he laughed quietly

"Shut up!" she whisper yelled

I rolled my eyes.

2 hours later

Gosh, I should've slept.

I could feel my eyes closing with every passing second.

"Ara!" I heard someone yell


Ah, I must have slept off

"Stop the car" Jay spoke coldly 

I did as he said without responding

He got out of the car and switched with me


"Thanks" I mumbled

"No need to thank me, I just don't feel like dying today"


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