t w e n t y t h r e e

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Few days later

Ara pov

Tomorrow is the start of the camping trip, so me and Sunhee are currently packing.
I had found out that our whole class was going, including San and Hana, I'm upset about it but the whole world doesn't revolve around me and I know Sunoo and Ni-ki planned this earlier, so I'll cooperate

"It's gonna be kinda windy right? So I'm gonna bring a light jacket" Sunhee said in a pile of clothes

"Why are you guys packing so much? It's only for a week" Sunghoon said shocked by the amount of clothes

"We might change our mind on outfits so we need a wide variety, it's called being smart" I said with a sly grin

"I think it's called being excessive, it's only one week" Sunghoon replied laying down on Sunhees lap

"Wow you must be used to that huh, didn't even flinch" I asked with raised eyebrows

"Well um he looked tired so..." Sunhee said averting my eyes

"Ok sure" I said

Next day

Beep beep beep

Ugh nooooooo it's too early
I turned around to hit the alarm but my hand hit something soft

"Ow, Ara" Oh yeah, Jay slept in my room yesterday

"It's 5am, we have to get up" I grumbled sliding off the bed

I dragged myself to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth because I didn't have the mental capacity to take a shower

I walked towards my closet to grab something to wear and found Jay still sleeping

"Jay come on you've gotta get up"
He didn't even budge


"Fine" he mumbled into the pillow but still didn't move

I grabbed him by his feet and dragged him to the floor

"Aish I'm coming chill" he grumbled finally standing up

Few minutes later

Jay pov

We were all in the living room checking over the plans and I looked over to my side to see Ara and Sunhee sleeping peacefully in each other's embrace

How cute

Ara pov

I felt a soft tap on my shoulder and opened my eyes to Jungwon.
He motioned for me to get up so I tapped Sunhee next to me and we stood up

"I'm so tired, why'd we have to wake up so early?" I said stretching

"Because we still have others to pick up remember" answered Sunoo

"Oh yeah" I walked over to the mirror to check my outfit again and Sunhee followed

"At least we look cute"

"At least we look cute"

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What they're wearing

"Ok Ara, Sunhee, Jay, Sunghoon, Jungwon and Jake, you guys are going in the jeep and when you guys get to Yeras house, Jake and Jungwon will be riding with her" Sunoo explained our seating plan

In the car

"There's not enough space" I said trying to squeeze in

"Sit on someone's lap" Jungwon said

"Sunhee can I sit on yours?" I asked

"Actually nevermind" Sunhee gets weak really easily and I didn't want to hurt her

"Jay I'll sit on yours" I shuffled over to him and saw that he was beet red

Hah funny

I heard Sunhee giggling next to me as I sat

"Can we go now?" Jay asked

"Sure can" Jake snickered

30 mins later

"JAKE!" Jay yelled

Jake had been "mistakenly" going over bumps which was quite uncomfortable for Jay

"Come on man! Please!" Jay pleaded

Jake just kept laughing and apologizing

I turned slightly to ask Sunhee a question and I guess it startled Jay because he grabbed my hips suddenly.

"Stop. Moving." he spoke

"Sheesh ok" I grumbled

"We're here" Jake said

"Oh thank God" sighed Jay

Jake and Jungwon got out so I and Jay moved to the front

"Hey Yera" Jay waved to Yera and I waved too

She waved back and smiled

"We'll see ya there" he said driving away

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